The Deadly Tower
The Deadly Tower
PG | 18 October 1975 (USA)
The Deadly Tower Trailers

The real-life story of Charles Whitman's deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold. In August 1966, after killing his wife and mother, Whitman climbed to the top of the school's tower and opened fire on passers-by, killing 13 and wounding many others.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Michael_Elliott The Deadly Tower (1975) *** (out of 4) Highly entertaining and intense made-for-television movie about Charles Whitman (Kurt Russell), the man who went on a shooting rampage on top a tower in Austin, Texas on August 1st, 1966. The film follows his rampage while at the same time following police officer Ramiro Martinez (Richard Yniguez) as he tries to reach the tower.THE DEADLY TOWER is without question one of the better made-for-television films from this era where, quite frankly, there were several very good ones. The story of Whitman is probably going to be known by most people going into this film but it does a very good job at showing the horrors of that day as well as showing the intense pressure that was on Martinez as he tried to make it to the tower on his day off of all things.There's a lot of great things here including the performances from the cast. Russell doesn't have too many lines of dialogue so instead he must "act" with his eyes and he really lets you see a rather sad and pathetic person. I really thought Russell delivered an extremely cold performance that said so much without words. Then you've got Yniguez who is simply wonderful in his role. I won't give away some of the subplots surrounding the character but the actor certainly makes you feel and believe that this was a good guy out there willing to risk his life to save others. Ned Beatty is also good in his supporting role as was John Forsythe.Director Jerry Jameson does a very good job at holding your interest throughout the 100-minute running time. Even better is the fact that he does an extremely good job at building up the tension during the shooting sections. Mix in the great performances and you've got an extremely good movie on the subject. Those interested in the subject should also check out an unofficial version that Peter Bogdanovich made in TARGETS.CAPTAIN FANTASTIC is certainly an original picture, which isn't something that happens too often these days. We've seen movies about strange families before but this one really hits all the right notes.
moonspinner55 Dramatization of horrific events out of Austin, Texas in August 1966 when disturbed young man Charles Whitman went on a shooting rampage from the tower overlooking the university. Well-written TV-movie (cast with familiar television actors in supporting roles, and Disney mainstay Kurt Russell effectively playing against type in the lead), is anything but entertaining; however, the approach here--tough and unrelenting--provides for a fascinating docudrama. Crossing the paths of Whitman and local police officer Ramiro Martinez (nicely-played by Richard Yniguez) gives the narrative its drive, though the real-life Martinez was unhappy with his portrayal and sued. Liberties were indeed taken for 'dramatic purposes,' yet the hard-hitting film is still memorable today for its no-nonsense handling, the realistic violence and taut characterizations.
park1971 A powerful 1975 TV movie about the real life events that took place on the University of Texas campus in 1966 when a deranged 25 year old Charles Whitman began shooting people from the top of the Tower. When it was all over it would be the largest one-person murder spree in U.S. history to date. Whitman played by a young Kurt Russell who at the time was known for his light hearted Disney movies. Russell's portrayal of the killer is very effective as he keeps silent like a man possessed. This was an early glimpse of the kind of role Russell would do later in the 80's with Escape from New York and The Thing. The movie also focuses on the rescue team and police officers who put their lives on the line that fateful day. YouTube has some actual live news footage of that August day in 1966 where a camera is fixed on the Tower and you can see the assailant moving around and shots being fired. The movie is now on DVD through Warner Brothers Archive Collection and it looks great!! Also check out the real life crime TV movies Killer in the Family and The Deliberate Stranger on Warner DVD!
JimHammond This is a very memorable movie - I have not seen it in over fifteen years but I still remember many scenes from it very well. It ranks right up there with the class of its genre, movies such as "Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster", "The Jericho Mile" and "The Day After". It is not only a story of Charles Whitman, but it also tells the story of Officer Ramiro Martinez (the policeman who made his way into the tower and killed Whitman). It also gives a good description of the logistics used by the entire police force that terrible day. No surrealism is used in the filming process - harsh, lusty reality sets the tone.I do not know if this movie is available on video, but if it is, by all means take a look at it.