The Dead Will Tell
The Dead Will Tell
| 24 October 2004 (USA)
The Dead Will Tell Trailers

Emily Parker is haunted by visions of a woman from the past soon after receiving an antique engagement ring from her fiancé.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** It's when young New Orleans attorney Emily Parker, Anne Heche, got an engagement ring from her soon to be husband, whom she only knew for about a month, Billy Boy Hytner, Jonathan Lapagila, that the dead or murdered of long ago were suddenly awakened. It wasn't long that Emily started seeing things in the form of this ghost-like woman who started making ghostly appearances only to her everywhere she went! As it turned out it was the engagement ring that was the reason behind all these strange events in Emily's life. That together with Emily having been institutionalized at an early age, after her parents were tragically killed in a car accident, which somehow had her become psychic because of her mental illness and be able to pick up vibrations as well as images of dead people!As Emily gets clues from her contact from the world beyond she soon finds out that the person is the disembodied sprite of Marie Slanger, Leigh Jones, who disappeared back in 1969 with only her ring finger and engagement ring being recovered in the woods by a teenage couple who were, this at the hight of the free love era, busy making out! The biggest surprise comes much later when Emily in uncovering a photo of her future mother-in-law the boozy, and she is for a good reason, Beth Hytner, Kathleen Quinlan, which has her and Marie Salnger in it!Emily following the clues that the ghostly Marie is giving her tracks down her former lover the former flower and love child, now in his early 60's, Paul Hamlin, Chris Sarandon, who was the prime suspect in her death or disappearance! Having been let off the hook by a jury because of lack of evidence Paul has lived with the suspicion by everyone involved in his murder case that he got a lucky break in that Marie's body was never found.***MAJOR SPOILERS*** It when Emily sees the reclusive Paul that she realizes there's a reason that Marie's ghost guided her to him. It was through Paul that Emily connected the dead Marie to her fiancée's parents! In fact it was Billy Boy's old man John Hytner, David Andrews, who was getting it on hot and heavy with Marie back in the late 1960's just before she disappeared! Something that Mr.Hytner's old lady Beth knew about and was the reason for her having hit the bottle ever since!Pretty good made for TV movie with an outstanding performance by Anne Heche good enough for her to have gotten an Academedy Award nomination, if the film was theatrically released, as Emily Parker the girl with the sixth sense! The ability to see dead people! The only thing about the film that let it down a notch or two was the what looked like 30 or so year-old Billy Boy Hytner parents John & Beth Hytner! They were so young looking that you could have easily mistaken them for Billy Boy's brother and sister instead of his mom and dad!
Claudio Carvalho In New Orleans, the lawyer Emily Parker (Anne Heche) meets the handsome Billy Hytner (Jonathan LaPaglia) by chance; they date and fall immediately in love for each other. One month later, Billy proposes her and gives an engagement ring he bought in an antiquary shop. From this moment on, Emily has visions of a weird woman and she decides to investigate about the previous owner of the antique ring. She discovers that the woman that is haunting her is Marie Salinger (Leigh Jones), who disappeared in 1969, and the police had found only her severed finger with the ring. Her fiancé Paul Hamlin (Chris Sarandon) was accused of the murder but considered not-guilty by the jury. Meanwhile, Emily meets Billy's parents and is not accepted by her future mother-in-law Beth Hytner (Kathleen Quinlan). Emily continues to investigate the murder, disclosing the truth about Marie's death."The Dead Will Tell" is a simple, but attractive ghost story. The cast is excellent, and Anne Heche is very beautiful in the role of a woman obsessed for the truth. This low-budget television movie has a good screenplay, nice locations, very few special effects and I liked this romantic supernatural story. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Quando os Mortos Falam" ("When the Dead Speak")
whpratt1 Enjoyed this film and its location in New Orleans, Louisiana, with its historic old buildings, old homes and their antique furnishings. This film deals mainly with the spiritual world and a lost soul who is trying to communicate with a young girl, Kate Jennings Grant(Claire) and also manages to involve her boyfriend, Michael Arata. If a person's life is cut short, the spirit needs to advance to a higher spiritual level and this poor soul was definitely not Resting in Peace and caused all kinds of problems for everyone! If you like films dealing with Ghosts and the supernatural, this is the film for you, and especially around Halloween! ENJOY
Pepper Anne Doesn't anyone get tired of making these stupid movies? The ones where someone is contact by a ghost who was horribly murdered and this random person is expected to go throughout the picture, trying to convince people that she's been talking with this ghost and demands answers from total strangers (often neurotic strangers) who may know how she died or where her remains lie. It's a boilerplate story these days, and after the success and the thrills of the 'Sixth Sense,' is it really necessary to keep making these things? Kathleen Quinnlan, probably the only tolerable actress in the bunch (and Chris Sarandon as the widow of the dead girl) as the sinister mother-in-law-to-be were completely wasted in this predictable mess. Anne Heche, of course, took the lead and showed off her awful acting abilities as Emily Parker, host to the dead girl. The ending was pretty stupid. What a waste.