The Dead and the Damned
The Dead and the Damned
R | 26 July 2011 (USA)
The Dead and the Damned Trailers

A meteor lands in Jamestown California in 1849 during the gold rush. It is found by miners who release it's spoors which turn the population into blood thirsty mutants.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Michael Ledo The movie opens with a silly close range blood squirting shoot out. Mortimer (David A. Lockhart) is a bounty hunter. After collecting his bounty he opts to go after an Indian (Rick Mora) wanted for raping a "white virgin." (I don't write this stuff.) Others have tried and died. He lives in the woods. Mortimer buys Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery) a reluctant woman to come with him to use as bait.Meanwhile there is a subplot of a meteor being found in a farmer's field with fluorescent green stuff and no Steven King. The farmer has a daughter (Heather Montanez) who does take a bath...and like any good circus, the big top is worth the price of admission. The meteor turns the town's folk into the fast moving zombies as opposed to the raise from the dead variety.I liked the metal soundtrack. We've seen worse acting. Many are first time actors. The special effects or make-up was very stiff. The dialogue wasn't great. The buttons on the women's blouses never seemed to work either.No f-bombs, no sex, nudity (Camille Montgomery, Mandy Pauline, Heather Montanez)
Gafri Ariansyah The Dead of the Damned (also known as the title: Cowboys vs Zombies) is a thriller science fiction horror film directed by Rene Perez the film was released on July 26, 2011. About a murderer he was assigned to hunt down an Indian man who had killed and raped a girl living in a town called Jamestown located in California. With the help of a woman named Rhianna they were together looking for the man. Elsewhere a meteorite rock falls and causes the city's inhabitants to turn into a bloodthirsty terrible creature. But the man, and the Indian, as well as the woman named Rhianna help each other to exterminate the inhabitants of a city that has turned into a monster. This movie is so exciting. The 82-minute film set in the city of Jamestown in California in 1849, a casual acting, but the movie is so stressful, it does not take much time to create a tension If you like watching a Zombie movie then watch this movie !
LordBlacklist When one comes across a movie like this, you tend to lower expectations to a pretty base level. Zombie action, some scares, low budget cheese, and an overall good cheeky time.The 30,000 dollar budget is apparent, but not as much as you'd think. There's some good bang for the buck, but not nearly enough bang. We'll start with the lead actor. Forgoing all subtlety, he's AWFUL. Most of the laughs in this came from cringes induced by his ridiculous and amateur performance, gun handling, smirks that scream "I look like a cool action hero to myself" only to look idiotic and embarrassing to the audience.There is some gratuitous nudity that likewise illicit some groans here and there. It's as if the filmmakers did not realize that with the production value they had, a GOOD zombie cowboy movie could have been made. If you're going at it from the view that no matter what you do, the movie will be crap, then at least make it entertaining crap.There must have been several 15-20 minute stretches in this movie where characters fall victim to the "we must sit down and tell our sad story" syndrome, when due to the level of acting, or lack thereof, a greater focus on the action and horror would have been preferable whereas to not make the audience feel like they've been ripped off in the end.That said, there are two scenes that come pretty close to showing how this could have been a GOOD little low budget genre mash-up and both of those scenes involve the main actress encountering zombies (a standout being a creepy hide and go seek scene that belongs in a better movie). What both of these scenes have in common? The horrible lead actor is nowhere to be found. Also these two scenes (due to their isolation from his awfulness) seem to have been filmed after the fact (after shooting was completed?) to fill out what is already a pretty short movie.All in all, don't let the cover fool you. There's not much action to be had here. Just long stretches of characters talking about back story that would have been better left in the subtext in place of what your audience was told to expect: Action.The good: A few inventive zombie make-ups, a couple genuinely creepy scenes with the main actress escaping zombies, and some nice location photography.The bad: Most of the performances, the music, pacing, and lack of action.The ugly: Every time the main actor shows his face or opens his mouth. He really is that bad.
gbkimberley Once upon a time, when video stores first started to appear, each weekend I would go and rent 5 or 6 movies that I'd never seen before. Sometimes they were crap but sometimes I would unearth quite a gem. Eventually I got to the point where I would rent a movie because of who was in it, who it was directed by or even because of the studio that released it, knowing that I had a decent chance of getting something watchable at least.The one thing that would ALWAYS steer me AWAY from a movie though, was if the description/synopsis on the back concentrated on the soundtrack, the special effects, or a car chase/shootout etc; instead of the story. That was a big no no and the case went back on the shelf.The same is still true today when it comes to the older movies, but for the more recent ones I've found that gushing reviews on the cover from generally nondescript websites is the modern day warning sign that a movie is a woeful piece of rubbish. (I've even seen a movie with the quote "Brilliant! A must see!!" Where the only reviews are from Joe Public) This one has two! So take heed. It's a very cheap, very badly acted waste of time that seems to have been put together by a bunch of Wild West theme park employees during their lunch break. It's not even bad enough to be funny.1/10 but only because we can't give 0