The Curse of the Screaming Dead
The Curse of the Screaming Dead
| 13 January 1982 (USA)
The Curse of the Screaming Dead Trailers

A group of six friends are out in the rural south on a deer hunt when they start hearing strange noises coming from the woods. An investigation of the sounds leads them to an old Confederate graveyard, which suddenly begins sprouting Rebel zombies. Like the living dead in every other movie, these zombies are hungry for human flesh and soon set to chowing down on the hapless hunters.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Michael_Elliott The Curse of the Screaming Dead (1982)* (out of 4)A group of six Southern friends head into the woods for some good deer hunting when they stumble upon a cemetery. Soon a Conferate solider returns from the grave and brings along some others as the zombies attack our deer hunters.Director Tony Malanowski made NIGHT OF HORROR in 1981. That film was about a group of friends who were attacked by Confederate soldiers. That movie was downright awful on pretty much all levels and THE CURSE OF THE SCREAMING DEAD is a remake of that. Malanowski said he saw the various errors in the original film so when he got a higher budget he wanted to set out and make something better. THE CURSE OF THE SCREAMING DEAD, released by Troma as CURSE OF THE CANNIBAL CONFEDERATES, is a pretty bad movie in its own right but at the same time there's no question that it's a major improvement on the original. If the director's main goal was to make a better movie this second time around then he succeeded as this one looks a lot better and I'd argue that it also felt like an actual horror film since we are given some gore and zombies. The film still suffers from its low-budget nature and there's no question that the film is a bit too slow for its own good. I'd also argue that the characters themselves aren't all that interesting. As I said, the one bonus here over the original is that we are given some added gore scenes and for the most part they are actually very good. The gore is realistic and looks effective enough, although I must admit that the munching sound effects made me giggle at times.
Woodyanders A band of Civil War soldiers come back to life as flesh-eating zombies and terrorize a group of friends embarking on a deer hunt deep in the woods. Boy, does this hilariously horrendous schlocker possess all the right wonderfully wretched stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: Incredibly ham-fisted (non)direction, exceptionally atrocious acting from a thoroughly lame no-name cast of rank amateurs (Mime Iskikawa cops the top thespic dishonors with her insufferable turn as whiny blind babe Kiyomi while Christopher Gummer likewise grates on the nerves something fierce as obnoxious toolbox Mel), a numbing plethora of tiresome bickering amongst the extremely irritating and hence utterly unsympathetic characters, crummy make-up (several of the zombies wear chintzy dime-store rubber masks), a droning and annoying redundant score, a meandering narrative that plods along at a painfully poky pace, grainy, shoddy, dimly lit eyeball-straining cinematography, a slight script, zero tension or spooky atmosphere, painfully tin-eared dialogue, and ineptly staged zombie attack set pieces. However, this movie nonetheless deserves some credit for not wimping out on the hardcore gruesome gut-munching gore, with special extra kudos in order for the grotesque slurpy sound effects. A tasty slice of prime celluloid Velveeta cheese.
MrUFOman Its funny reading negative comments posted by some of the previous viewers of curse of the cannibal confederates, I never knew so many people were film critics and production experts.sure the movie is very poorly executed and production values are minimal at best,yes the lighting is abysmal and the acting is wooden and forced but its amazing how some people watch a b movie in order to judge or complain,what did you think it was? Titanic 2? I guess its fun to pick apart these things but some of the comments seem as lame as the production, do you really think the film would be more believable with weathered headstones or uniforms? sure it was annoying when the close up insert shots of an outdoor daytime scene were shot indoors with an unlit background that didn't match the daytime master shot,but thats show biz folks.sometimes these people make a comedy without knowing it...thats how you have to watch these things...just appreciate that those people worked days or weeks on this thing for little or no money and you get to enjoy their "cinema".so I say watch COTCC...for the heck of it
dead_dudeINthehouse This film sucks. The storyline is quite good. Instead of watching this crap, watch THE SUPERNATURALS. Do not waste your time on this one. The worst thing about this video is the cinematography, and well I will not talk about the acting because it is worse.