The Culture High
The Culture High
| 18 September 2014 (USA)

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The Culture High tears into the very fibre of the modern day marijuana debate to reveal the truth behind the arguments and motives governing both those who support and oppose the existing pot laws.

Wordiezett So much average
Cortechba Overrated
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
paul2001sw-1 'The Culture High' is an engaging, important but undisciplined documentary. It details many important facts, namely, the relative harmlessness of marijuana, relative other other legal and illegal drugs; the use of prohibition to fill up a prison system almost as if this was its purpose, and moreover to do so in racially discriminatory way; the role of special interests in directing politics; and the banality of mainstream news coverage. So what's not to like? Fristly, I can quite believe the the cannabis plant has the potential to be used as the source of a number of potentially valuable medical products; but watch this film, and you'd believe it to be truly a wonder-substance, the most valuable ever plant for the benefits of human health. Secondly, the film spreads its scope too wide. So we get a familiar, shallow list of complaints about contemporary society: that democracy is imperfect, money corrupts politics, in capitalism everything happens for a profit-driven reason. Indeed, one thing that's interesting about current initiatives to legalise marijuana (but not covered here) is exactly the financial incentives driving the system to long overdue change. Which in this case, I feel to be for the best; but to believe that a new generation of Internet informed citizens are going to transform society over old vested interests, with the legalisation of the "wonder drug" marijuana as just the first step, is woefully naive. The film is much stronger when it stays on topic and looks at America's police state. The good news is that slowly, the tide seems to be turning; as participants in 'The Culture High' themselves tell us, eventually, the film itself will appear like an anachronism, the product of a less rational time.
Jack Perry The film's opening sequence of a man's house being raided, his dog being shot, and his family being terrified, by a SWAT team sent it for a weed bust aptly set the tone of this film. This film does not hold back in its attack against the forces that oppose the legalisation of weed. Naturally it's enemy is the Federal Government of USA. However in a broader perspective it looks at the influence of the prescription drug corporations and also the media.Most of the points made in this film have been publicised before in other documentaries, articles, podcasts and interviews. However the academics and scientists interviewed manage to reinforce these ideas in an extremely compelling way, such that one can not feel like decriminalisation is an absolute necessity for the social wellbeing of our nature. The insights from other stereotypical "weed celebrities" such as Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa offer little to this film.Where the film lacks is in its limited discussion of the most recent policy changes in Colorado and Washington State. If we want to look at the need for policy changes nationally, surely a longer conservation on the reform in these two states would give weight to decriminalisation. In a similar vein, this film pays no attention to the legalization of weed in foreign countries.Worth a watch if you're at all interested in the subject of legalisation.
Christian GQ The best 2 hours I have spent in a long time. You always believe you know a lot on a given topic but there is always so much more empirical knowledge rather than "they say that...." or "i heard somewhere that..." and this documentary gives all of that to you straight forward and with so much evidence to back up every claim as well well known names in media to support it. Please watch, no matter your stance on anything, you'll learn something you didn't know beforehand I promise. It's not just about "pot" it's about something bigger...have an open mind. We're at the brink of big change and the last thing we need are more fascists.
mandrax360-727-640595 It does not get any better than this ,when people as well know as Richard Branson ,David Nut and Howard Bloom as well as many others are will to take on the topic around prohibition of a plant .The public have been lied to for to long about this issue in order for the pharmaceutical companies to take hold and make huge profits .War on drugs is a war on people , the next war should be the war on thieves ( Bankers , politicians , pharmaceutical CEO and corrupt law enforcement agency's ) I hope after watching this documentary more people will become open minded ,not just on this topic but around all where the government is involved . I hope that by the end of this decade the world will be on it's way to use not just cannabis but hemp products as a alternative . I dream of the day I can run my car on hemp oil instead of paying oil campaniles huge government taxes at the same time .