The Crime of Padre Amaro
The Crime of Padre Amaro
| 01 October 2002 (USA)
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Sent to Mexico to help take care of aging Father Benito, young Father Amaro faces a moral challenge when he meets a 16-year-old girl who he starts an affair with. Likewise, the girl's mother had been having an affair with Father Benito. Father Amaro must choose between a holy or sinful life.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Irishchatter I decided to watch this because as you know, I do love romantic movies that made sense and this is one of them. It does tell you how twisted and cold the Catholic Church is when it comes to their priests among their followers. I wouldn't talk negative to people who consider themselves to be Catholic because people have the right to their own beliefs. Its just I found that in the movie, I thought the Catholic Church were treating their priests poorly as if they are nobodies if they ever made love to a person of the same or the opposite sex. Its just a disgrace, even though, I would've rather if Amaro told the community that he was the father of the girls child and he was the lover all along. It makes you want to shout at him and tell him that he has the right to say what happened. Although it was a awful ending when she died but still, it would make every Catholic Church wake up and realise, we are all human beings. We have the right to love and who we choose to love!In my opinion, this movie was very good but I found the ending was very sad. It makes you think that keeping everything hush hush like that, damages you until the day you lay to rest. I honestly felt very bad after watching it. I'm glad they showed this before the Catholic Church would put a stop at showing it in every cinemas all over the world! We all have the right to know what goes behind clothes doors because let me tell ya, you would always find out in the end of what is really happening to our world!
lastliberal Only the third feature film by Mexican director Carlos Carrera, it was a Golden Globe and Oscar nominee. I am sure that the Catholic Church was not happy with that! I can see Bill Donahue of the Catholic League fuming and frothing over a film that features a pastor laundering drug money and sleeping with his housekeeper; another priest openly defying his Bishop to minister to the guerrillas in the mountains; a wacky woman who fakes taking communion only to hide it and carry it home to give to her cat; and, the greatest crime of all, Father Amaro deflowering a young girl, getting her pregnant, and praying for a miracle, which came, but not as the church would approve.There are the book purists who feel that Eça de Queirós' novel is not given proper respect, but a movie is not a book. Gael García Bernal (Babel, Bad Education, The Motorcycle Diaries) is very good as the immoral new priest who impregnates the pious Amelia (Ana Claudia Talancón - Fast Food Nation) while spouting Bible verses to her. Of course, he uses the Song of Solomon to talk about her hair and her breasts, which were ample, indeed.Sancho Gracia was very good as Padre Benito, the only authentic priest in the movie - the one the Bishop wanted to excommunicate! A least they didn't diddle any young boys.
Farmboy09 So El Crimen del padre Amaro was quite a downer. Did anything good ever happen in this movie? Lets retrace our steps. On the bus, they all get held at gun point and robbed. Padre Amaro meets Padre Benito Diaz and quickly finds out he's having an affair with the maid. Then we find out he's making deals with a drug dealer to build his church. Padre Natalio, who we think is one of the better guys in the film for opposing Benito and trying to lift up his people against the drug trafficking, then has one of his men stab to death the lowly photographer and then Natalino lies about sending the photos to the newspaper, which is threatened over advertising by Amaro if the rebuttal is not run on the first page. Amaro has an affair with the maid's daughter in front of crippled woman suffering from cerebral palsy, who is later forced out of her home with her father because he, a masterful sexton who beats women, is fired by the oh so innocent Amaro. The maid's daughter ex boyfriend Ruben (probably the best guy in the film) loses it and attacks Amaro calling him derogatory homosexual terms. Amaro declines to press charges (maybe the happiest moment in the film). The bishop, maybe the only good guy (besides the journalist of course) strips down nude and we have to watch him jump in the bath. Was it necessary? No. The humanity! When Amelia dies, Amaro blames it on Ruben, spreading rumors that it was his child. Abortion hemorrhages, scandalous priests, the corrupt lady singing and shoving communion down the woman's throat, this movie had it all. If there was maybe one decent moment it's when the old man cowboy hat and all, offers Amaro a smoke. Just to show people never forget the good in people. But really thematically, this has absolutely nothing to do with this film, try as you might. So while I found the film captivating, I'd have to give it a thumbs down because I really never gained anything from it. It took one direction and never stopped spiraling down.
insomniac_rod Slightly overrated dramatic feature based on a controversial novel that deals with the corruption of the Catholic church in Mèxico.Mèxico, being a 100% Catholic country has been blinded for centuries probably by the atrocious acts committed by the representatives of the church."El Crimen del Padre Amaro" displays the corruption, lustful, and murder of a young catholic priest who didn't exactly had his faith in God. The story takes place in a Mexican pueblito but the message is pretty clear... Religious crimes happen on all kind of levels. Territorial division, judicial division, high society class, etc.I won't get into details of the dramatic features or events because I think it's more important to focus on the social and criticism message that "El Crimen del Padre Amaro" sends against church. It is pretty clear that in the past religious crimes or any kind of controversy against church was banned or ignored. In these days, everything seems to be finally getting green light to be known.Still, this movie is overrated because it had a shocking premise campaign before it's release. It's NOTHING you haven't seen on any other movies and the fact that it deals with difficult topics for Mexican society, it's nowhere as crude or raw as the evening news.Watch this movie in order to witness through a dramatic motion picture (I mean, dramatic events with the occasional exaggeration) how Catholicism in Mèxico is losing more and more followers. Pederastry, corruption, among other crimes are now a common practice.Special mention for Gael Garcìa Bernal who delivers a solid performance. He is truly a talented actor. Ana Claudia Talancòn is also good in her role and she's extremely beautiful.
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