The Creation of the Humanoids
The Creation of the Humanoids
| 03 July 1962 (USA)
The Creation of the Humanoids Trailers

Many years after a nuclear war, the human survivors have created a new society where much of the work done by androids, referred to derisively by humans as "clickers". A police official who is concerned that his sister has become involved with an android is sent to investigate a larger rumor that the androids are developing reason and emotion.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
dane-92 SPOILER ALERT: SEE THE MOVIE FIRST!! I like it. It's low-budget, but a very smart and interesting story. And this is one movie you could enjoy almost as much with the screen turned off. In fact, I've done it! It's all about ideas. As a movie, the eerie music helps carry the story along, and the costumes and sets are a nice enhancement...but this is essentially a "reader's theatre" performance. There's no action to speak of, just people and robots talking. I think it's good as a movie, but I think it would have also made a great sci-fi story on radio. In a way, it might be even better, because it would let you concentrate entirely on the weighty ideas being discussed by the characters, without the distraction of visuals.Again, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT...I'll take minor exception to the premise of the ending, where it's revealed our current population are actually decendents of a species of robotic replacements for a human race that eventually died out. Here's my problem: The story repeatedly says the robots are superior because they are essentially immortal, with unlimited lifespans. If we are descendents of them, our bodies wouldn't die either. I know, I'm overthinking a fantasy story, but after being forced to think deeply through the entire movie, it's difficult to turn the brain off when considering the ending. :-)
davidjoyce-736-145009 Actually, I loved the film as a child and still do.It's a great thought-provoking film that helped in my understanding of social issues during and since the 60's. I actually brought up the film during a discussion with a Marxist professor in the early 80's as an example of the attack on American morality by the far left.I liked the basic tenets of equality, but the sister's absurd attraction to a non-human served to subject the minds of young people to extreme non-traditional behaviors and narcissism. Not surprised "they" claim it as one of Andy Warhol's favorite movies.This film serves as yet another example of sixties disestablishmentarianism. (eg: "Silent Running" and environmentalism ten years later.) 9/10 for creativity
gatsby601 Creation of the Humanoids takes us to a future Earth ravaged by nuclear war. Even while maintaining a high standard of living the survivors are suffering from low birth rates and the possible end of mankind. Enter the creation of advanced robots to fill the gap.Sounds o.k. doesn't it? And if you want to consider the idea of robot rights and what it is to be a sentient being this film could be for you.One problem. Creation of the Humanoids is a series of scenes where actors talk and talk and endless talk! No action, no special effects, damn little plot, just monologue after discussion, and then more chit chat. The script for this film must be 200 pages long! Don't get me wrong, I like a good conversation, but that is all you get in what has to be one of the most static, boring films ever made.On the positive side, the silver contact lens looked pretty good.If you have an interest in the subject, rent it and be ready with the fast forward button.
Clay Loomis It's not often that a movie from the 1960's shows up that I haven't seen, but this was one. Of course, there's a reason that this was shown at 4:30am on a Wednesday morning on AMC. The actors mostly are of the character variety and did lots of one-off guest appearances in TV shows from the 50's through the 70's like The Lucy Show, Bonanza and Kung Fu. One actor here, Don Megowan, starred in dozens of movies and TV episodes, but I'm sure he will always be best remembered as the bandit in Blazing Saddles that was chewing gum in line.So, while the low budget and B and C grade actors bring this down a bit in quality, and it does get a little preachy for my taste, the unique quality of the film definitely make it worth a look (as did that sparkling uniform combination of tight bullfighter pants and Confederate soldier's caps). This movie could have used a bigger budget and the higher production values that come with that, but for a B grade movie, it does pretty well. While not for all tastes, it's "must see" viewing for hardcore Sci-Fi fans.