The Coven
The Coven
| 16 February 2015 (USA)
The Coven Trailers

In Highgate London, five young teenagers hoping to witness Pagan activity, camp in historic Queen's Wood on Halloween but soon discover they are part of the ritual when a mysterious Biker hunts them down.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Joshua Thompson An enjoyable movie-- although viewers expecting a typical no-story jump-scare such as Paranomal Activity or any of the recent 'horror' movies should look elsewhere. It's got a fairly well fleshed out story, but is clearly not that high budget. £615,000 estimated? There is no way on earth this movie had that high a budget!The acting is a little wooden in parts, but I suppose that is typical of any young actor / actress. I thought the locations used throughout the movie were great. One issue I had was with some seemingly unnecessary special effects, they don't detract from the movie as a whole though.In my opinion, it's very good for what it is; a non-gore scary movie aimed at children/teens. My daughters enjoyed it quite a bit!
JENNA MURPHY Well actually this is a cleverly thought out plot obviously aimed at a younger audience but somehow ended up a '15' ?? Unsure why as there's no bloody horror and apart from bad language - younger kids can watch it. I can only assume that a lot of people didn't 'get it'? This film needs you to pay attention as otherwise you will miss what is happening. The way the girl in the old fairytale merges into the Supply Teacher Mrs Belial...there are clues throughout and the Tutor and Eve talking about the old poem and then Eddy....if you watch properly it all comes together rather nicely and makes sense. I really enjoyed it and in fact I just bought a copy for my friend's daughter.If you want a 'seen it all before' horror tale then it's not for you. But if you want to be kept on your toes - ignore the negative comments and watch this film.Also I didn't realise IMDb was a forum for throwing bullying insults at people? Guys you really should check all user comments before posting them.
tonystewart-251-639389 Not the usual in-your-face horror this! I think some of the complexities will be lost on the average viewer. Checked it out one night with a few hours to kill as I live N London and I've always been interested in witchy stuff and really enjoyed it! Trying to unravel the threads of the mystery that unfolds will probably be too much for some, but it's obviously based on real witch/Wiccan lore and happenings as a lot of it checks out. The kids acting are all pretty inexperienced it seems but have a kinda simple charm about them. I'd like to have seen a bit more of some of the characters as I think certain aspects could be explained by them, but - again it sort of adds to the mystery. Spooky and creepy rather than bloody and gory (apart from one nightmare bit in the tent) it mixes real stuff with fantasy but keeps a sense of hidden menace. All in all worth a watch especially if you like a bit of real mystery stuff woven in to your entertainment.
cochranefaithful Spoiler alert: this review deals with the plot and its interpretation from a Cochranian Wiccan perspective. The Coven superficially appears similar to the Blair Witch Project, complete with shaky camera work and scary moments. In reality it is a completely different, and far deeper film, which deals with theological conflicts within modern Traditional Witchcraft. The plot deals with events surrounding those faithful to the Wicca of Robert Cochrane who founded the Thames Valley Coven in 1962 and ran it until his death in 1966. It deals with Cochranian Wicca in the present day. The film opens with a map of Queen's Wood in Highgate. The scene then moves to a girls school. Mr Shears (Dexter Fletcher: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) is giving a lesson about Wicca holding a red leather bound book. He gives an explanation asking 'Is Wicca a religion or little more than devil worship'. He then explains about Robert Cochrane who 'founded a Wicca coven as recently as the 1960s'. He is interrupted by a woman who comes into the class introducing herself as Mrs Belial, a supply teacher. She says that he needs to see the headmaster. He leaves and she takes over, explaining that there was a Wiccan leader Uri Clef who disappeared recently with seven followers. Mr Shears finds the headmaster away and returns to the classroom but Mrs Belial has disappeared. Five of the girls in the class decide to go into the woods at Halloween. Meanwhile Mrs Belial is seen gardening where she cuts herself on a rose. She sucks the blood enjoying the taste, appearing to be the embodiment of evil. On a nearby bench is a blue book. The girls head to the Queen's Wood by bus. The film then cuts to the lounge of one of the other girls in the class, Eve. She has found a nursery rhyme. Her tutor comes and sits next to her and explains that it is about the devil. He also has a blue book that he places next to him on the sofa. His face is not seen again. Meanwhile Mrs Belial is seen alone eating the raw meat of a stag. She has some soil and foliage on which paper figures are laid and is doing a harmful magic spell on the seven in the wood. The biker appears again and picks off those in the wood. Clef is seen as a skeleton, apparently long dead. Near the end a coven which is in the woods is seen dancing in the distance. The plot is fairly involved and many of the key points are seen fleetingly. The beauty of the film is that the clues are hidden and the references to Cochranian Wicca are real. Understanding these allows the plot and the murderous biker's identity to be resolved. The first key to understanding the film is the relationship between the key characters. The plot deals with Cochranian Wicca which is one of the denominations of Wicca. Cochranianism itself has its own divisions. Cochranians are predominantly gnostic, however they split between those who give primacy to Lileth-Lucifer and those for whom Sophia or Wisdom is the primary deity. Those who follow Sophia do not revere Lucifer, instead pairing her with a horse-stag of local tradition sometimes called Morvarch or with a name linked to local deities. In this film the murderous faction, headed by Mrs Belial, are the Luciferians and Uri Clef's followers revere Sophia-Morvarch. To the Morvarchians the horse-stag is the god of the Old Ways. The Luciferians are portrayed as the killers in the film. In Cochranianism red and blue are used to mean life and death respectively. As Cochrane wrote "Her vesture half of blue, half of red. Life and death are in her two hands". Mr Shears is promoting Cochranian Wicca as the main tradition and appears to be a Morvarchian Cochranian sympathetic to Clef. He has a red book, signifying life. Meanwhile Mrs Belial and Eve's tutor have blue books that signify death. The fact that they have similar books ties them to being part of the same coven and opposed to Clef. Later Mrs Belial is seen eating raw venison, literally eating the god of the Morvarchian Cochranians. They appear as Luciferian Cochranians. The murderous biker is working with Mrs Belial. Eve's tutor has a blue book and the fact that he is in the vicinity of the woods implies that he is the biker, whose face is never seen. The question remains 'why was it necessary for Clef to be killed by the Luciferians ?' Clef was said to be building a Wiccan army which would damage the fabric of society. This would be a threat to Luciferians who would see the primacy of Morvarchian Cochranianism as undesirable. By killing him they could ensure that Lucifer remains the primary object of worship. This film is, of course, loved by Morvarchian Cochranians who see themselves portrayed as the good folk. In 500BC Aeschylus produced a play and took part in its first performance. As he spoke his lines there was an outcry from the audience with the declaration "he reveals the holy mysteries". He showed that he had never been initiated and could not therefore reveal them. The makers of the film will doubtless state that they too have not been initiated and cannot have revealed the mysteries of Cochranianism. None the less the sub rosa mysteries of Cochranian Wicca are revealed for those who look, but then as Cochrane stated "There is no secret in the world that cannot be discovered, if the recipient is ready to listen to it – since the very air itself carries memory and knowledge". The film makers have produced a piece of extraordinary depth not seen before in presentation of modern Witchcraft. It is a film that will stand the test of time and become a classic example of its genre.