The Competition
The Competition
| 26 January 2018 (USA)
The Competition Trailers

A romantic comedy about a woman who thinks all people eventually cheat and a man who challenges her to a competition to prove that she's wrong.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Ed-Shullivan Of all the very boring films I have watched I can usually say something positive about the film. This is a first. Or, as in this film's title, "The Competition", this film comes in absolutely last in my opinion. Do not waste your time it is so boring. I would rather suffer from diarrhea than have to listen any longer to this dribble dialogue. Save your valuable time, go read even a bad book on the John, than watch this stinkfest.I have to give it a 1 out of 10 rating as this is the minimum mandatory IMDB rating. In truth, I would have paid money to someone who could have forewarned me not to watch this crap. I mean real boring crap!
yollya Main character's bad hair distracted me through the entire movie which wasn't hard since the acting was poor and the story itself was same overplayed thing seem a million times.
peisli I watched this movie just because i loved the trailer. Story is unusual. Acting is great, i didn't regret watching it at all. Still believe there are good men out there.
injurylawhelp The chemistry of Thora and Chris as they compete reminds of the old Grant and Hepburn movies, but with a timely twist. You start with a great script, my favorite director, and a great team of producers, and you end up with a battle of the wits that is steeped in romance and full of many laugh out loud moments. I'm a Thora Birch fan from the get-go, but the depth and insight she brought to the character blew me away. Chris Klein has honed his romantic lead ability he's been leading with since he was a kid. I love the dynamic Claire Coffee gets in her role and as usual, she nailed it!. Tiffany Fallon shows her comedic flair is as awesome as her beauty. I'm always impressed with Harvey Lowry calling the shots, but it was a blast to see him on the other side of the camera. Kelsey Tucker envisioned and wrote this smart screenplay, and then she produced and acted in it. That's a triple threat talent you don't see often. Rachel Meyer and Jasmine Fontes worked their magic to make things happen magically. Too many great talents to mention, but they all deserve mentioning. A perfect date movie that's entertaining for anyone. Even a dude like me who couldn't wait for his significant other to join him. That's alright, I'll watch it again. And again! Highly recommend this Rom-Com with a new twist to the classic genre.