The Company
The Company
PG-13 | 25 December 2003 (USA)
The Company Trailers

Ensemble drama centered around a group of ballet dancers, with a focus on one young dancer who's poised to become a principal performer.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Cortechba Overrated
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
sirenebern If you're a devoted fan of ballet or modern dance, you'll enjoy "The Company." Neve Campbell is Ry, a young ballerina and the focal point of the movie, which is an almost documentary-like portrayal of a professional ballet company preparing for and delivering spectacular dance performances in Chicago. Campbell is a former professional dancer, so she brings authenticity to her performance. However, despite the casting of Malcolm McDowell as an authoritarian, acid-tongued company director to provide a potential source of dramatic conflict with Campbell's character, there's very little story or dialogue in the whole film. Some of the dialogue is so quiet and natural that you can't really make it out. Directed by the great Robert Altman, "The Company" focuses mostly on dance performances and grueling practices, with a few cliches thrown in (the dancers' struggles to win roles, please the choreographer and make ends meet financially). It all looks very realistic and beautiful, and the drama is only in the dance. There's a sweet, slight love story for Ry and her equally hard-working chef beau, played by James Franco. So enjoy "The Company" on a quiet evening, glass of wine in hand, if you love to watch good dance performances, but not if you want dialogue or plot. Still, kudos to Neve Campbell for getting such a tasteful, lovely, non-commercial movie made.
aloyoon hi this the first time i wrote any thing in IMDb but i couldn't help myself i want to warn people about this movieif you are thinking about watching this movie believe me just don'tthe acting was awful no dialogs it is like they forgot to write the script the story also awful there is no point of the movie it is not even a movie it was veryboring no dialogs no acting nothing i really mean it nothing what a Waste of timejust believe me don't watch this thingif it was up to me i would rate this thing under zero
ladylissa21 If you are interested in ballet and want to see some great dance sequences, this is probably right up your alley. The dances are (mostly) beautiful and filmed in a very visually interesting way.BUT...If you are looking for a story, you won't find it here. There is really no plot line to speak of, no real dialogues or events. The main couple spoke maybe thirty words to each other through the whole film, and I still don't know the first name of all but three characters. And that kid that wandered in and out of the movie being picked on and finding a place to live- who the heck was that and what was his story???This is a movie to be watched for the appreciation of ballet, and that's all.
vladimirputin69 Without a doubt, this is the worst movie I've ever seen. I was busing across central Mexico in hot pursuit of uniformed Mexican schoolgirls and the escaped Boris Yeltsin and was forced to watch this awful movie. My traveling companion, Carlos Caliente, who is an avid fan of the ballet and tights in general, expressed his disgust early on in this movie, noting its lack of character development, plot, Neve Campbell's exposed melons, and overall shittyness. After the ridiculous final Olmec-head-eating-dancers scene we thought the pain was over. To our horror, the movie was replayed again! Blast! I would have rather ridden a chicken bus to Hell than be damned to such a fate as seeing the Company twice in one sitting. My suggestion to you, amigos, is 1) promptly punch in the face anyone you ever meet who even remotely liked this film, 2) never take anything but the first class executive bus, and 3) always buy your bras and panties from large piles in the streets of Mexico, D.F. BORIS, I WILL FIND YOU YET!!!