The Commissioner
The Commissioner
| 22 February 1998 (USA)
The Commissioner Trailers

John Hurt stars as a scandal-hit member of parliament, dispatched to the political backwaters of the European Commission in Brussels as penance for his failures. However, once there he stumbles upon a chemical weapons outrage that points to a sinister political-industrial conspiracy.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
jimrin There are some interesting twists in the movie, so there was a lot of thought put into the plot. Unfortunately, the execution did not live up to the potential provided by the plot. Actually, the plot of the movie is just as pertinent today as it was 10+ years ago of corporations with ties to politicians being able to be above the law. However, the script, the dialog, the pace, and the acting all left a little to be desired. Even the performance of the distinguished John Hurt seemed average at best. This seemed more along the quality of a made-for-TV movie. The redeeming value of the movie was that it has the theme that one must do things for the right reason, but it was rather painful process to get there.
jcanettis Although it starts as a rather typical political thriller, in which the good and bad guys are singled out from the very beginning, "The Commissioner" is in fact quite different: In this film, the lines of good and bad are not only blurred, but through a series of multiple plot twists, our perceptions for the characters involved change constantly."The Commissioner" is about the story of James Morton (Hurt), a minister in the UK government who after being forced to resign from his post, is offered the position of Commissioner in the EU. He accepts the offer only after he is promised by his Prime Minister that he will hold the Foreign Affairs portfolio; however, upon his arrival in Brussels he finds out that he gets Industry instead, and that the UK PM actually lobbied for that. Despite his disappointment, and despite a wrecked marriage with his wife Isabelle (Krige) who declines even to follow him in his new home, he devotes his full energy in his new post. And soon, the first challenge faces him: He is handed evidence that a German chemical company, which is about to merge with a British one, is involved in the production of chemical and biological weapons. Assisted by his soon-to-become girlfriend Helena Moguentes (Pastor), the Environmental Commissioner, they begin a crusade to uncover the truth. However, in the process he discovers that people are not what they seem; not only that, but even the truth is not what it seems...The clever plot twists make the movie very suspenseful and interesting. Moreover, the performances are generally good, although I must admit that I found Rosana Pastor a bit unsatisfactory in her role.All in all a good film. 7/10.
stephen-simpson This film's subject matter may be more worthwhile than average - let's face it, the institutions of the European Union need all the PR they can get - but that doesn't make up for the unlikely plot twists, unsubtle (cliched, even) characters and the feeling that this is only the first part of a bigger story. The viewer is likely to feel unsatisfied because different elements aren't connected well; for example, the film begins with a very dramatic scene but this turns out not to be the real climax, only one of a series of dramatic events. The nature of the relationships between John Hurt's character and other characters, such as his wife, his lover, the prime minister and the journalist, is not shown in a way that reveals how it is relevant to the plot.John Hurt is always watchable and it's just a shame that this partly-realized story provides the viewer with only the odd glimpse of what his character could be; a determined, morally decent (but flawed) man prepared to bring the world down around him for the sake of justice.
kel.mike For me, this is one of those films that you start watching and half an hour later, wonder if you should watch or do something else. But I stuck with and found it "so-so" viewing. John Hurt played his role well as did Mueller-Stahl (he was great in "Shine"). The plot takes a few unexpected twists that I did not foresee. However, what disappointed me was the predictability of some parts of the story (e.g. the fate of some characters), the superficiality of some of the characters' interrelationships, and the generally cheap look and feel of the production. A pet hate was the stereotyped Texan businessman in a Stetson - also poorly acted. The movie lacked a certain flow and left some issues hanging unnecessarily. Anyway, see for yourself.