The City of Your Final Destination
The City of Your Final Destination
PG-13 | 21 March 2009 (USA)
The City of Your Final Destination Trailers

28-year-old Kansas University doctoral student Omar Razaghi wins a grant to write a biography of Latin American writer Jules Gund. Omar must get through to three people who were close to Gund – his brother, widow, and younger mistress – so he can get authorization to write the biography.

Steineded How sad is this?
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
tcab The City of Your Final Destination is an excellent, intelligent, adult movie about believable people. The behavior and motivations of the characters are brilliantly presented; totally real people with real emotions and mature concerns. These days we could die waiting for this kind of great movie to come along! The meaning of the word "adult" with reference to movies should be changed to describe this kind of movie rather than the pornography genre that now carries that appellation. What the industry calls "adult" should be changed to "adolescent," a more appropriate term for pornography, so the word "adult" could be freed up to describe movies of this maturity and quality. At least 90% of Hollywood's output is banal commercial junk. But in this movie there are no car chases, barroom brawls, drug addicts, topless bars, shooting and killing, corrupt cops, liars, cheats, con men, muscle men, superheroes, martial arts, gratuitous sex, pretty-faced vapid ingenues trying to pass for professional people such as doctors and scientists, and so on. They even kept the cigarette-smoking to a minimum! But don't mistake my objection to Hollywood as moralistic. I'm talking about intelligence, taste and maturity.
airdrieguy Omar Metwally does not come across as innocent but someone with an agenda who needs to appear innocent. I can buy him as a schemer looking for a way into these people's lives as what better way than to be a wide-eyed sycophant? But they would have to be extremely naive to buy him as such.As individuals the other characters were brilliant but somehow they did not mesh together as a believable group. Too much unsaid and too many back stories untold (e.g. why did the deceased author take up with a woman other than his wife? why did the wife so willingly accept "the other woman" and her child into the household?) The ending hokey and contrived.The cinematography was visually spelling binding.Certainly not a rush and out and buy, or even rent for that matter, movie.
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Most everyone is familiar with the peak of Merchant-Ivory genius which included: A Room With a View, Remains of the Day, and Howerd's End to name a few. Ismail Merchant died a few years ago, but director James Ivory returns with a powerful, yet odd film based on Peter Cameron's novel.The film boasts a very nice cast: Anthony Hopkins as the aging, gay man who is the brother of a famous (now dead) novelist; Laura Linney as the widow of the writer; and Charlotte Gainsbourg as the writer's former mistress. Oh yeah, these three all live together in a compound in Uruguay on land the writer left behind after his suicide.The story gets interesting when Omar (played by Omar Metwally) shows up unannounced after receiving a declination of his offer to write a biography on the novelist. Hopkins supports the idea as he expects it will generate book sales and revenue for the group. Linney is flat against it thinking it will spill too many secrets. Gainsbourg initially sides with Linney, but changes her vote when she falls for Omar.On the surface, the story is about Omar's attempt to win Linney's bitter character to change her mind. The much more interesting story is Omar's awakening in this oddball community now that he is out of the grasp of his domineering type A girlfriend and co-worker played superbly by Alexandra Maria Lara. Talk about a personality that makes you want to turn and walk away! She almost makes Linney's character seem humane.Mr. Ivory excels in subtlety and he is in fine form here. So many "little" moments make this story really click. Not to mention it is beautifully photographed. This is a really good film that will probably get lost in the mass confusion of summer giants like Twilight and Toy Story 3. If you get the chance, make the time to see this one.
FilmRap For more than 40 years director James Ivory and producer Ismail Merchant have been bringing forth signature films with screenplays written and adapted by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. Two years after the death of Merchant, the remaining team has created a film worthy of the genre, which took three more years to be released. Every frame is a masterpiece color photograph with period and location magnificently depicted. The story here is about Omar (Omar Metwally) a mid-western university doctoral student who has a grant to write a biography of a Latin American writer who had committed suicide. He takes temporary leave of Deidre (Alexandra Maria Lara), his controlling girl friend to travel to the beautiful Uruguay countryside in order to try to convince the executers of the writer's estate to authorize the biography. He finds the deceased writer's widow (Laura Linnley), the writer's girl friend Arden (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and the 8 year old daughter she had with him, the gay brother of the writer (Anthony Hopkins ) along with his lover (Hiroyuki Sanada ) who has been with him since he adopted him at age 15, all living together on a magnificent ranch estate miles from nowhere. The movie becomes a study of the personalities of this group and the dynamics between them. It also follows and explores the emotions of the would be biographer as he rather quickly develops feelings for Adrenia which leaves him with some important choices to make. A very effective ending allows you to come away from the movie realizing that everyone has decisions to make, which may make life better in ways never thought possible.
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