The Chapman Report
The Chapman Report
NR | 05 October 1962 (USA)
The Chapman Report Trailers

A research psychologist gets involved in the personal lives of four women.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
JohnHowardReid Directed by the legendary George Cukor who was often acclaimed for his success in drawing award-winning performances from female stars, The Chapman Report would seem to be an ideal vehicle for his talents. Alas, his famous flair with women has not clicked this time around. Maybe his heart was not in it? Jane Fonda, for example, is simply awful. Claire Bloom, Shelley Winters and Glynis Johns are obviously not in love with their characters either. And as for the men, especially Ray Danton, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., and Ty Hardin, most of them seem to be sleep- walking through their roles. Even always-reliables like John Dehner and Harold J. Stone do not come across well. And to add to the movie's woes in my area, the censor has obviously made cuts here and there, destroying whatever momentum the tired plot has managed to build up.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS*** In studying the lives of middle to upper class suburban women in L.A. for prominent psychologist Dr. George C. Chapman, Andrew Duggan, his horny assistant Paul Redford, Efrem Zimbelist Jr, got romantically involved with one his subjects the pretty but cool, as an iceberg, to sex Kathleen Barclay, Jane Fonda,that really screwed things up for the serious, in his work, Dr. Chapman. It was the other three subjects in Dr. Chapman's study that resulted into him re-examining his study that most women don't cheat on their husbands. The fact that Kethleen's husband Boy-not the Boy in the Tarzan movies-,John Baer, who was more interested in flying then in getting his rocks off or having sex with her was killed in a crash while flaying a fighter plane that broke up in mid-air which was a major reason her becoming celibate.There's divorcée Naomi Shields, Claire Bloom,who after making it with the water-boy, Chad Everett, delivering Poland Spring Water later hooked up with band leader Wash Dillon,Corey Allen, who in fact was married with children. After she was told by Redford to straighten out her life she got fully involved with Dillon's band of beatniks in a midnight jam and sex session and ended up being gang raped by the band members after getting her drunk on whiskey and vodka and everything else in between. Hurt & humiliated by what happened to her Naomi ended up killing herself with an overdose of sleeping pills before the booze, that helped kill her, wore off. Another victim of Dr. Chapman's meddling in people's lives was actress Tereas Harnish, Gynis Jones, who being being interviewed by one of his aids ended up getting involved with beach boy Ed Karski, Ty Hardin, who while playing touch football on the beach-stripped down to his skimpy shorts-remained her of a Greek God she saw at a local art museum. Eddie who in Teresa encouraging him to have sex with her responded by him man not woman handled her so brutally that she ended up losing all interest in sex with him or any one else. And the last of Dr. Chapman's victims middle-age Sarah Garnell, Shelly Winters, who was cheating behind her husband Frank's, Harold F. Stone, back with her acting coach Fred Linden, Ray Danton, who was also married but estranged from his wife. In that by her getting mixed signals by him in how much in love he was with her ended up leaving Frank and planning to shack up with Danton at a swingers commune. Only to later-in less the an hour-come back crawling on her hands & knees begging Frank for forgiveness and for him to take her back! That's when she found out that lover-boy Linden was planning to drop her for a much younger chick, one of his students, and check out together with her to Mexico City!Not as shocking as it was back in 1962 before the sexual revolution came into full swing and made the actions of those on the screen look like child's play in comparison.In fact the only good results out of this meaningless study by Dr. Chapman was that both Paul Redford and Kathleen Braclay the only two who seemed to be normal ended up getting married and hopefully staying together; Which is more then any of the other persons who were subjected to what turned out to be the very flawed Chapman Report, in reporting that as much as 97% of married couples in the USA didn't cheat on their spouse's, that ended up ruing their marriages and relationships as well as their very lives.
blanche-2 The eminent director George Cukor did The Chapman Report for Warner Brother. It's based on the book by Irving Wallace, which was inspired by the Kinsey report about sexual activity.The Warner Brothers actors cast include Efrem Zimbalist as one of the interviewers who works for Mr. Chapman (Andrew Duggan), Ray Danton as a libidinous film director, and Ty Hardin as someone Glynis Johns meets on the beach. According to film lore, George Cukor was impressed enough with Hardin's good looks and physique that he ended up with a showy role in the film. Look for Chad Everett as a water delivery man in the beginning of the film.But the women are the real stars: Jane Fonda, Glynis Johns, Clare Bloom, and Shelley Winters, all of whom are terrific.Chapman and Paul Radford (Zimbalist) come to a town to do interviews with women for their statistics on sexual activity. That's all pretty dated. The film focuses on four women: Fonda as a widow of a bad marriage who thinks she's frigid and becomes involved with Radford; Bloom as a nymphomaniac; Winters as a cheating wife; and Johns as a woman who wonders if she's getting enough from her marriage, which seems happy enough. She's the comic relief, and she's a blast.The best scene in the film occurs when Johns goes to Hardin's place to pose nude for her, with the idea of seducing him. Fonda, Bloom, and Johns are all gorgeous. Winters by this time was doing the more housefrau type of role. She's excellent as a desperately unhappy woman involved in an illicit affair with Danton.This is the '60s idea of an adult film so everything is talked around, in half sentences, or shown as a fadeout. The only one who takes his clothes off is Hardin.It's trash, but it's high-class trash and one does become involved with the characters. This film made the rounds on TV as a 'movie of the week', before made-for-TV movies. I remember watching it with my parents as a kid. My mother kept asking if something happened plotwise and my dad kept mumbling 'it has a great cast'. For years in my family The Chapman Report was the movie to which all bad movies were judged. Was it as bad as The Chapman Report? I don't recall any movie that was ever judged as worse. Great Cast! Bad movie. In retrospect, I think that Eddie Murphy's Best Defense is in the same league, but bad asit was, there was some movement of the characters.Dudley Moore and Eddie Murphy Great Cast! Bad movie.