The Carson City Kid
The Carson City Kid
G | 01 July 1940 (USA)
The Carson City Kid Trailers

The Carson City Kid and partner Laramie are outlaws. When his partner is caught the Kid, his identity being unknown, takes a job in Jessup's saloon. Here he see Jessup cheat Waren out of his money. Warren then robs Jessup posing as the Kid but gets caught. To gain his freedom, Laramie identifies Warren as the Kid. Realizing Jessup is the man that killed his brother, the Kid must find a way to clear Warren and get Jessup.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
mark.waltz This really isn't anything special among B westerns, just a standard low budget film where the good guy is believed to be an outlaw and the supposed good guy a vicious killer. Roy Rogers, on the threshold of stardom, is the titled character out to expose the man who killed his brother. Bob Steele, a star of B westerns himself, is the bad guy, believed to be an honest saloon owner. This goes off track on several occasions in some convoluted directions involving who the real Carson City Kid is or isn't. George "Gabby" Hayes adds grizzled amusement, although rather serious for a change, as the town marshal, with pretty Pauline Moore as the lady after both Rogers' and Noah Beery Jr.'s (accused of being the bandit) heart. The typical showdown occurs with predictable outcome. In short, a bore.
FightingWesterner Rodgers holds up mail-lines looking for bad guy Bob Steele, in order to settle an old score. Along the way, he tangles with lawman George "Gabby" Hayes and tries to protect young, naive miner Noah Beery Jr., whom Roy's partner (!) and Steele set their thieving sights on.A great role for Roy, this has a great, above average cast and an irresistible chance to see Rodgers going up against fellow Saturday matinée star Steele (who always looked more like a heavy than a hero) in a rare villainous turn.A better than average script, that knows what buttons to push and a quick pace also go a long way in helping make this Republic Pictures production worth watching.The only things that disappoint is the abrupt conclusion and the half-hearted nature of songs.
Michael_Elliott The Carson City Kid (1940) *** (out of 4) Roy Rogers plays a man disguising himself as The Carson City Kid who is seeking vengeance on the man responsible for his younger brother's death. He thinks the guilty person is a bar owner (Bob Steele) but along the way he falls for a young woman (Pauline Moore) and tries to help a young man (Noah Beery, Jr.) from the same fate as his own brother. This is yet another good Western from Rogers and company, although no one should confuse this for the work of John Ford. Your tolerance of the "B" Western will certainly factor into how much you enjoy this film but if you're one who can put up with their low-budget charm then this here is a good one. The best thing the film has going for it are the performances of the cast. As you'd expect, Rogers has no problem playing the good guy as that laid back style really comes across and it's just really impossible not to like the guy. I'm really not sure what it is but Rogers is just so calm and collective that you can fall for his charm and get behind his cause. Moore makes for a very good love interest as she's certainly cute enough for the part but her performance is also good enough to make you care for her. The same is true for Beery, Jr. whose character really comes across thanks to his fun performance. Steele always makes for an enjoyable bad guy and that's the case here as well as you really want to hiss at him each time he's in the frame. George 'Gabby' Hayes is also on hand doing his typical great support. The story itself isn't the strongest in the world but it's good enough to keep you interested for a hour. The action is fast, the characters enjoyable and overall this is pleasant enough for a time killer.
thomaskunze Old Roy Rogers western. Only entertaining when you have nothing better to do. The story is simple and the situations are standard. Done a hundred times before. A few good action scenes and a good supporting cast are the only things that make this movie at least a bit watchable. George "Gabby" Hayes and Noah Beery are the only highlights in this B-Movie.Only for Roy Rogers fans I think.