The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
| 22 October 2005 (USA)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Trailers

Remake of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920). Shot entirely on green screen. Some exact shots from the 1920 film were superimposed to properly replicate the original. Francis relates the story of traveling magician Dr. Caligari and Cesare. Their arrival in a town coincides with savage killings.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
jonah_begone 1.) Is it marks or dollars? What's the currency in use in Hostenwall? Both? That's unsatisfactory and looks like an oversight.2.) It would help if everyone pronounced "Ceasare" the same way.I can see that the directory and writer took some care with the original... but... fleshing out the plot points were a mistake, in my opinion. The original production seemed mad because things were explained so partially - it seemed disjointed. This production attempts to clean things up, which was a mistake.A nice try, but artistically no triumph.
georgi11811 I have just finished watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Why this film has not won more awards and is not better known, is beyond me! This film, when one considers its technical achievements alone, is a milestone in ingenuity. In its handling of the concepts of the original film, it is a heartfelt homage. In its re-imagining of the original film, it is chilling. As one who normally doesn't like re-makes, I have got to say, "I love this film and will watch it over and over again!" Kudos to the director for making a great film that any fan of the original German expressionist film should love. Thank you David Lee Fisher! Kudos to Daamen Krall for bringing a palpable villainy to Dr. Caligari. While watching the film, the voice of Caligari reminded me of Vincent Price. A voice of gentle yet refined menace. Kudos to Doug Jones with his masterful performance of Cesare! His performance rivaled that of Conrad Veidt. Everyone involved in this film is to be congratulated on a work masterfully crafted and acted! Thank you.
ScienceKilledSilence Ah, what film could possibly surpass the wonders of the original Cabinet of Dr. Caligari? Not many, I can tell you that. The haunting Conrad Veidt, dazzling Lil Dagover, and just plain creepy Werner Krauss, brought life to this classic horror.It's a shame to see such beauty tarnished by a downright terrible remake.The dialogue seemed to be forced at the best of times, and the actors had no connection with the set, mainly because it wasn't there when they filmed. On top of all that the cast of this abomination lacked in both charm and appeal. They used awkward, jerky movements in a vain attempt to seem 'spooky'.When a film is remade it should at least express the same concept in a different way. This film failed to do that in anyway.
joshtanner First and foremost i love the original to bits, it was the first silent film i ever watched so you can imagine a feature length movie without dialogue was pretty strange to watch for me then.So what does a version with talking bring? Not really much at all. I was pretty pumped for this, the trailer didn't look all too bad and at first I was excited to hear that they were using the background from the original 35mm print.The backgrounds are composited pretty badly in a lot of scenes, especially my favorite shot of Cesare creeping along the wall, which Is a disaster and he doesn't look like he's touching the wall at all! (They should have built this set!) Doug Jones is a pretty good actor, but he doesn't even touch Veidts performance. He's just simply not scary, the terrifying shot where Cesare opens his eyes for the first time in the original film was severed here.The dialogue is really bad in a lot of places, sure its interesting to see it with dialogue if only for a minute, but comon! Overall id say average, it has a lot of faults but it also is pretty OK in some spots, the new shots are pretty cool. David Lee Fischer obviously didn't love this film enough to leave it THE HELL ALONE!