The Buddy System
The Buddy System
| 04 May 1984 (USA)
The Buddy System Trailers

A school truant officer uncovers a young boy's attempt to fake his residential address and subsequently befriends the kid and his mother.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
gcd70 Glenn Jordan's thinly scripted, predictable romance-comedy bears many similarities to the more recent, and much more enjoyable, "Sleepless in Seattle".Tim is a young boy whose father "took a powder" before he was born, leaving his then teenage mother to raise him alone. Now around ten years old, Tim has taken a liking to the security officer at his school, and begins to try and bring he and his mother together. Needless to say, inevitability quickly takes hold.This movie is definitely only for the hopeless romantics, with a one way plot that only entertains on the surface. Wil Wheaton's precocious Tim is annoying, with Richard Dreyfuss and Susan Sarandon providing the only salvation with their reasonably interesting characters and good performances.Glenn Jordan manages some worthwhile comedy but little else, in a film which fails to leave its audience with the 'good' feeling it attempts to.Friday, April 1, 1994 - T.V.
budikavlan This was a cute little love story starring Richard Dreyfuss before he became pompous, Susan Sarandon before she became sexy, and Wil Wheaton before he became utterly insufferable. The love is more a familial kind of thing; Dreyfuss and Sarandon never really generate much romantic "heat," but the family connection that Joe develops with Emily and Tim is really nice. Jean Stapleton comes off (appropriately) as really chilly in this, a good performance that reminds one what a terrific performance Edith Bunker always was. For once, Nancy Allen doesn't stink up the joint like she usually does, because her shallow airheaded character seems fairly close to her real personality. This is one of those forgotten movies that turn up occasionally on Saturday afternoon TV, but it's a nice 2 hour diversion.
Tinyhippy I loved The Buddy System. Yes, it was very cheesy and completely predictable. But, if you like slushy romantic dramas, this one is for you. Richard Dreyfuss is brilliant as usual as the wannabe writer. Susan Sarandon plays the potential love interest, and the ever cute Wil Wheaton as her little son. The scene in which Timmy (Wheaton) explains to his mother (Sarandon) about the meaning of "The Buddy System" is like the core of the film - this is where you understand the whole meaning of it. A very cosy movie that leaves you believing there could be happy endings in real life, too.
Al Rodbell If you have nothing to do and need some diversion from cable, this beats contemplating your navel. This is workmanlike film made at the factory. The product is good enough for comercial work. Nothing fancy, nothing inspired. But a pleasant flick for a rainy day.