The Buddha of Suburbia
The Buddha of Suburbia
| 09 December 1994 (USA)
The Buddha of Suburbia Trailers

Class, race, sex, and farce. What more could you want as an evening's entertainment?

Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
gavin6942 Karim's mother is English and his father is Indian. Therefore Karim has some problems with life in British society which is becoming more and more racist and intolerant; he experiences this especially when he wants to find himself a way of becoming an actor.While I know nothing about racism in England, especially in the 1970s, this was a rather interesting film because it had the Indian/English focus, as opposed to the black/white focus we tend to have with American films. It is a different dynamic, and I have to wonder how it all works there. I don't think of Indians as being one of the more hated racial groups, but in England you do have that colonialism stigma factored in.Naveen Andrews nailed it. I was not aware of who he was until "Lost", but this mini-series shows he was a great actor long before that. I have to wonder why he wasn't noticed sooner. Then again, he seems to be stuck with ethnically ambiguous roles (on "Lost" he was Iraqi), so maybe his full value is not appreciated yet.
mbanwait Having read the novel almost a decade ago and not quite understanding it (probably too young), I finally decided to pick up this BBC series on video. I think i understood it better being 10 years wiser.The series is firmly cemented on the wonderful actor Naveen Andrews (now best known for the ABC series "Lost"). Taking place over a span of a decade, the early 70's to the 80's, when Thatcher came to power, the series is epic in scope. Showcasing the rising tide of the new young Indo-Brits and their dreams, aspirations and longing to belong to a culture of their own (instead of the tradition bound or anglo majority).The series is filled with race relations, morality, social issues and political comment. The character of Karim is in almost every frame of the series. And all of the other characters are seen interplaying with Karim.The most interesting storyline is the at times comical, but ultimately bitter subplot involving the Indian groom Changez and his reluctant British bride Jamila. Wonderful performance by Harish Patel.At times the series does start to meander into meaningless territory, such as the plot involving Charly and the punk rock band. But again, the great acting by Andrews pulls the story back to the forefront.I can compare this series to a very long excellent 4 hours spent on a great British serial.And one more thing, the soundtrack is a major highlight. Great tunes from the 70's. Not to be missed by Naveen Andrews fans.
wuthering Then again, why should it be. Those who watch this and comment about it being vacuous, etc., did not watch the same film I did. Of course the film is less detailed than the novel. Of course there's going to be some "stereotyping". But have you ever seen a film that didn't? This film gave voice (in the body of beautiful Mr. Andrews) to a young emerging culture. That of the Indo-Brit who was born in England, not India. Trying to fit in, yet knowing the conservative party/culture at the time would not let them. While not meant to be hysterical, this film has enough laughs to help you make it through its 220 minutes. It has enough passion to help you understand the feelings. And it has enough meaning to make you understand that not all things (causes, beliefs) can be folded neatly and packaged away for American viewers.Watch this film. You will not want your time back. Cheers.
sfboy101 Naveen Andrews, probably best known to American audiences as the Indian bomb expert in "The English Patient," plays Karim, a young London high schooler in the 1970's. Karim is caught between loyalties to his mother and his father, who are going through a messy split. Susan Fleetwood is notable as the father's mistress, whose son might or might not be the hottest thing to hit the music scene since Bowie.The amazing thing about "Buddha..." is the depth of characterization. The secondary characters, and there are at least fifteen, all have their own struggles and histories. Karim floats through his world, trying to be everything to each character -- a friend, a confidant, a lover, a good son, a loyal nephew -- and finds that he can't satisfy everyone. Pay close attention to each story, such as the arranged marriage between Jamila and Changez. It's a comedy of errors orchestrated by her traditional parents that's wonderfully out-of-place for the characters who see themselves liberated members of the "me" generation.Though this is a mini-series rather than a film, the production values are pretty good. It would be a good idea to rent it for two nights, since it's long. And since it was made for TV anyway, the small screen is just right. (It was shown on a big screen at the San Francisco Gay & Lesbain film festival.)