The Broken Star
The Broken Star
| 01 April 1956 (USA)
The Broken Star Trailers

A deputy sheriff defies local ranchers to investigate a Mexican's murder.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) Lesley Selander knew how to make a precise, no frills, western. Here, there is something different from the "run of the mill" b movie, the main character is the bad guy, Frank Smead (Howard Duff), the Deputy Marshal. He kills a man to get 8000 dollars,and tries to come out with a good story , pleading self-defense. Contrary to most westerns of this type, (where the hero is an outlaw) the spectator's sympathies do not go to Smead, but to whoever is going to uncover his malignant plot. There is Nachez (Joe Dominguez), a witness, who can not tell what he saw because he does not speak English, Conchita the sexy girl who sings "I hate you" ,with a whip, in the "cantina", played by Lita Baron (was married to Rory Calhoun). There is also the big shot, W.C. 'Doc' Mott, Coroner, (William 'Bill' Phillips) who threatens Smead while orienting a square dance. Besides having an unusual plot, there are good action scenes, which make this an entertaining western.
c532c An obvious western version of a story that was done twice in 1954 (as SHIELD FOR MURDER and PRIVATE HELL 36--with Howard Duff!) where a good lawman goes into business for himself.This has all the elements: ruthless crime boss, two hired goons, a blackmailer, desperate escape and even a sultry chanteuse singing in a nightclub -er- saloon. Duff's playing is typically stoic, but this adds a bit to his bluff, duplicitous character (the kind Fred MacMurray used to play in DOUBLE INDEMNITY and PUSHOVER)and the rest of the cast does quite well under Selander's assured (well it certainly should be assured by this time!) direction. I particularly liked Douyglas Fowley as the crooked blackmailer. The scene where he and Duff negotiate -- each obviously planning a double-cross -- has a fine, greasy tension to it.
classicsoncall It could be I'm overdosing on movie Westerns, this one just didn't seem to have any life to it at all. Maybe it was Howard Duff in the lead role, not your usual Western hero. Or maybe the story was just too lackluster. There did seem to be an attempt made at introducing forensics into the solution of a murder committed by Duff's character, Deputy Frank Smeed, in the opening part of the story. The coroner says the fatal shot was fired from an angle looking down on the victim, while Smeed's description of his 'self defense' position was from the ground looking up. That's as far as it went though, as no trial was going to make it into the picture.The positives here really have nothing to do with the main story. Lita Baron shows up as a singing cantina senorita with a whip! as part of her performance, making me believe she might have made it past the first round on American Idol. Then there's that wild saloon brawl between Deputy Gentry (Bill Williams) against the two henchmen Messendyke (Joel Ashley) and Van Horn (John Pickard). Fairly well choreographed and energetic, it could be a top ten contender.What it boils down to is Frank Smeed symbolizing the broken star, a corrupt lawman who tries to take the money and run. It's eight thousand dollars in gold, but the owner will spend ten times that to get it back. This isn't likely to turn out well for Howard Duff, translating Spanish badly and running out of luck at Lost Doggy Creek. Better stick with the cop shows.
bkoganbing Every now and then TCM runs these obscure films that turn out to be real finds. The Broken Star, a black and white B western, certainly is a find with Howard Duff as a deputy sheriff gone bad.Right up front we see Howard Duff shoot down an unarmed man and steal something from his house. It's $8000.00 in gold, but unfortunately Duff has left a witness, an old Apache who works for the deceased.Under cover of the badge, Duff tells his story that he shot a suspected rustler who drew on him first. Neither believing or disbelieving him, Sheriff Addison Richards investigates, in much the same manner a shooting team from a modern police force does. It's then up to another deputy, Bill Williams to bring in his colleague who also is someone who saved his life once.The film is set in the beginning of the 20th century when the old wild west was becoming somewhat tame. Early forensic science is what sets people's suspicions on Duff in the first place.The Broken Star is a good B western with an adult plot befitting the Fifties, the era of the adult western. Make sure you catch it when next broadcast.