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Billie Morin
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Nefes is the story of forty soldiers who are on duty to protect a relay station (Karabal Station of Gendarmes)at a height of 2361 meters. The job of the soldiers has taken on an added importance at a time of cross-border operation because the military communication will be established in the above-mentioned outpost. A captain who is supposed to command those soldiers is sent to this station from a district located on the Iraqi border. With the soldiers at his command he will protect the station no matter what.When a movie makes it to top 250 so quickly, it is so natural that it creates quite a furore especially if it's a non-US movie that has not been screened all over the world yet.A few Turkish movies like Babam ve Oglum,Eskiya and Saban Oglu Saban have made it to top 250 before but none of them have ever stayed on. Those who are obsessed with the top 250 and those who complain about the top 250 movies that they have never liked do always tend to forget something.TOP 25O list is perfectly a contest for popularity. It is not a competition of quality.Just take a look at the latest movies that have recently made it to the list, Hangover,Zombieland? They are just screwball comedies.Just because they got themselves a place on the list that does not mean they are quality movies but that doesn't mean they are not fun either but they will stay on the list for some time but they won't be there forever. Think about Hot Fuzz (2007)for instance it had been on the list for more than a year but now it isn't though it still is popular and has a good rating (8.0/10-117,958votes) Then again,Nefes is truly a unique movie. Why? Because Turkey is a country who has never ever been able make other countries see what it has been going through for a few decades now. We are losing our beloved sons every day and this has become so normal that fancy news announcers just mention their name in forty second news reel footages. It does not matter for others though. We are telling we are fighting against PKK and PKK has been officially designated as a terrorist organization by the European Union but EU and US press have always refrained from using "terrorist". German paper Die Welt speaks about the "PKK guerrillas," "Kurdish freedom fighters" and "Kurdish extremists".The official news agency of Austria, APA, also describes the PKK as a group of "Kurdish insurgents".The BBC, for example describes PKK as a "separatist Kurdish group" so it is perfectly clear that we have never been able to clarify what we have been going through. We may just say "oh come on,they are just a bunch of hypocrites who call Palestinians terrorists but when it comes to PKK, they are only extremists" but that won't do because we need to make them (at least the Europeans and Americans on the street) see what we have gone through and making movies is the only way to do it.Americans have made movies about Somali,Iraq,Vietnam wherever their soldiers set foot, so Nefes is actually a "first" in a way. It is a start to tell about our suffering but we need to be more creative about it. It is nice to see that the movie is trying to tell that all those soldiers are just a handful of youngsters who don't know much about war. It is obvious that many foreigners do not know how conscription in Turkey works.In Turkey the duration of the basic military service varies.As of July 2003, the reduced durations are as follows: for those without 4 year university degrees fifteen months as privates; for those with 4 year university degrees or higher either twelve months as reserve officers or six months as short-term privates. It all depends on your luck even if you are a university graduate. You may do your military service in a western seaside a resort or an eastern highland outpost.Thankfully all the soldiers fighting against PKK will be consisted of only professional commandos by mid-2011.Anyway, like I said Nefes is a "first" but it does not live up to expectations.This movie should have been more creative. I mean, think about it you are making a war story and there is almost no armed,head-on clash in the first hour and you are filling it with a telephone conversation between a captain and a terrorist leader who dropped out of medical school and the whole message you are giving is that those terrorists are giving a meaningless fight. As viewers who have experienced those deaths closely we are aware of the fact they are fighting a futile war but how will you be able to get across your message to the world?Will you be able to make the whole world believe that Kurds are equal citizens with none of their rights ripped off from them? There are still American and European people who ask me whether we see Kurds as second-rate citizens? How will be able to show them we have never seen a Kurd in that way, like a Pashtun saw a Hazara or a white saw a black years ago? How will you be able to convince that we are the citizens of the same country, that we try to live on in the same conditions? I do not think it is convincing at all to carry a PKK woman in a helicopter do you? Everybody knows that all is fair on the battlefield and everybody knows that you do not try to enliven your enemies,at least not twice.I wonder how many soldiers drop his weapon not to kill a person who has killed a lot of fellow soldiers? In short, we need to show our support for Nefes so that more movies like that could be filmed but we still have a long way to get across our situation to the world.
Nagihan Usta
Having seen it for the fourth time, there's just one thing that can be said: excellent..I wanna inform the readers from other countries about the cast and the scenario. The cast, excluding just 2-3 people, are not famous actors; for most of them, this is the first film they've been acting. The reason why the director did such a thing may be that he did not want the audience to familiarize the characters with their previous projects.Furthermore, the scenario is adapted from a real event happened in Karabal, 1993. Of course, one cannot know the very details, regarding the letter written by Captain Mete or the jokes or poems; however, it is all known that people died because of the PKK attack to Karabal Patrol.The film can be considered as a war-like film but indeed, it is not. So good, so real.. One can see the fear and the tears in their eyes. While watching, you probably will feel as if there is something that you cannot name hurting your heart and that the tears are on the brink of rolling from your eyes.NEFES has shot me for four times and the DVD version has taken its place in my collection, as the masterpiece of all.
I was really looking forward to this movie because of the high rating at IMDb and the promising plot. Well, i have seen many war movies, good ones and bad ones. Unfortunately "Nefes: Vatan sagolsun (The Breath)" turned out to be a rather bad movie. First thing to analyze is to judge whether this is a propaganda movie or not: It is not a obvious propaganda movie, that is for sure. But looking at IMDb comments like: "long live Turkish warriors" and others, i think it's a simplistic and unidimensional war movie. The PKK-Dudes are shown as insane suicide bombers, evil misanthropists. There is no word about what caused this conflict. Another thing i must state is that this is not a anti-war-movie. I could explain that in words, but i strongly recommend everyone in the world to watch : "Hotaru no haka (Grave of the Fireflies". Then you will know why most of the so called "anti-war-movies" are not what they are trying to be.Well, there isn't everything bad about the movie. The acting is OK.I also liked some of the pictures like the scenes with the clouds. The characters could have been interesting, i mean their development in solitude. Problem is that i've seen lots of movies that to exactly that in a better way. In this movie i never really care for any of the characters. Well that's it. I don't want to disrupt you folks in your excessive nationalism, so just keep rating this as 10/10
The movie was really engaging in the first half and concentrated more on the psychology of the soldiers at the frontier outpost but quickly turned into a mess by feeding off on Turkish people's silly nationalist feelings about 'national pride', and 'love for the country ' and the rest of the classic 'ideals' nationalisms around the world love to live on. In other words the director decided to exploit Turkish people's low feelings of Turkish Nationalism and make some quick bucks. What's next a movie about how the Armenian genocide never happened? Turkish Nationalism reigns supreme in this horrible movie! By the way, this movie is WAY OVERRATED, a more fair rating would be 5-6 on IMDb but seems that someone is manipulating the ratings... I've noticed that several other Turkish movies are rated over 8.0 which is very high for IMDb standards. Considering Turksih movies are not really well known in English speaking countries the numbers are obviously manipulated.