The Blue Lamp
The Blue Lamp
| 01 June 1950 (USA)
The Blue Lamp Trailers

P.C. George Dixon is a long-serving traditional copper who is due to retire shortly. He takes a new recruit under his aegis and introduces him to the easy-going night beat. Dixon is a classic ordinary hero but also anachronistic, unprepared and unable to answer the violence of the 1950s.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
krishkmenon Now here's an unpretentious film with no glamour or glitz but keeps you hooked. Move over Hollywood, and give the "Bulldog" his due. The film moves at a pace that would seem a little slow focussing on trivial duties and lifestyles of the London bobby but don't go away the action and human drama starts halfway through and my word does it start moving! Dirk Bogarde is excellent and his portrayal of a petty hoodlum with a psychopathic streak which masks his fear is unforgettable. The bombed out East End of London and the Cockney accent takes one to post-War England. The coppers of yesteryear England did not wear guns and so do most present coppers in the sub-continent today but the director narrates by his tale that this is no walkover for criminals. Watch it.
Neil Doyle There are plenty of good reasons to watch THE BLUE LAMP, but let's face it. Nobody does crime stories of this type better than the film noirs Hollywood was churning out during the '40s, such as THE NAKED CITY. Furthermore, DIRK BOGARDE's brash and cocky punk seems like an effort to make him look like a James Cagney thug with a British accent. It's almost disconcerting to watch him in this sort of tough guy role.He does have that menacing presence and overall it's a good, crisp performance as the hood who, during a hasty and ill prepared robbery, shoots a copper and spends the rest of the film running away from the law. The sequence that has him turning up at the police station is rather puzzling in way of motivation when he becomes an immediate suspect.Excellent support from BERNARD LEE, JACK WARNER and PEGGY EVANS helps a good deal, except that Evans' hysterics seem a bit over-the-top at times. Bogarde's restraint plays against her hysterics in an effective way.Worth seeing, but not the sort of film that one would think deserves a Best Film award from BAFTA. Times have certainly changed and altered perception of crime films such as this one.
jerbar2004 This film is well made and tells the story well. Of course it is dated now but does have a bases of fact especially in police procedure and the fact that there was young men gangsters about because don't forget this was just after the war. All the policeman are like able and as the film goes by you find yourself caring what happens to them. What PC Dixon gets shot it is truly upsetting although most people know that the character when on to be one of the most watched 60's BBC television shows in the form of Dixon of Dock Green. The London shown in the film is a London that I remember lots of war damage and open spaces. I like the old road signs and shop sign which places in its time and space. London just after the war, and was soon to change. Worth a look just for this.
christopher-underwood Not the most exciting of police thrillers, but it has some good performances, a great car chase and the most amazing 50s London location shooting. What the later, Crime Wave (1954) does for Los Angeles, Blue Lamp does for London. City streets, canal side shots, bomb sites, trolley buses, cobbled streets and more. The film also showcases, Jack Warner, whose role would be reprieved for TV's Dixon of Dock Green shown from the late 50s onward and Dirk Bogarde who would become a matinée idol before becoming an even bigger star. Jimmy Hanley should also be mentioned as he too became something of an institution, in my house anyway, when in the late 50s again, he hosted Jim's Inn. This was little more than an excuse to bring products to the attention of the viewing public without actually advertising them. ' What are these, Jim, any good are they?' Yes, just 15 minutes or so of b/w TV promotion and we sat glued! Ah memories