The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom
The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom
| 11 September 1968 (USA)
The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom Trailers

Harriet Blossom is married to Robert Blossom, a businessman who'd rather spend the night at his bra factory than at home with her. One day, Harriet's sewing machine breaks, so Robert sends a repairman, Ambrose, to fix it. It's lust at first sight for Harriet, who convinces Ambrose to hide out in the attic for a tryst. When her new beau shows no desire to leave, the pair begin a years-long love affair right under Robert's nose.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
jjnxn-1 A relic of its time this poorly conceived so called comedy coupled with Sweet Charity and several other losers killed off Shirley's film career the first time around. Within two years she was finished on screen and was out of pictures for almost a decade until her comeback in The Turning Point. This is one of the unfortunate crop of late 60's movies that tried to cash in on the so called youth wave with the overuse of psychedelic colors and disjointed scenes rather than a cohesive script. The desired effect, whatever that was, is not achieved all that is accomplished is to bore the audience and leave them with eye strain from the overdone color scheme. Skip it!
psully99 I only saw this movie once, around 1982. Sorry to admit, I was still doing some of the 60s things at the time, like smoking pot, and so my recollections are not so vivid of the movie (except for laughing too much, and a giant bra), but it is remarkable that even now when I see Shirley McLaine movies I always wonder why Ihave never seen Mrs. Blossom again. I looked it up on Internet just now and came here, because "What a Way to Go!" came on, and it is another even older (1964) Shirley McLaine movie. She's So CUTE! Hmm, now that I recall, I was also in a love triangle at the time. Maybe that's why it seems so poignant.
Wolf (alphaspace) Who knew you could have so much fun making Bustenhalter's (Bra's)<only word I know in german that I can also spell so I was aching to use it>. This movie is so sweet. The plot is totally odd having a sort of Casino Royale weird off beat flavor to it. This is the ultimate in a quirky Addam's Family gone oh so British yet bonkers kind of movie. I think the MUSIC in The Bliss of Mrs Blossom movie rocks. Well Lets say it ROCKS only if you like frightfully odd music but its wild. The ending is a real tear jerker as things go full circle. The Psychodelic influences of the time were celearly in evidence throught this movie in the fast pace of the cutting and all sorts of weird camera angle and, slow motion shots did give on a disconcerted feeling as if one might well be tripping out.I love this movie with all the talk and, visuals of bra's and, ladies ever wearing bra's it never got crude or dead common. The movie is tasteful from beginning to end... Back in 1968 when the world was full of industrial strength prudes this movie might have been labeled a bit blue but in our more enlightened Millennium this is just tame good nature fun. This is a movie for onle and, all.If you like weird off beat comedy enough you owe yourself a look at this one. Oh and, when you see the movie say hi to Binky for me! I think the high moral water mark in this movie is hit when Mr. Blossom suggests that all man's wars were not the result of his willingness to follow his countries flag into battle... Insteed Man was really Following the Brazaire which you know just might be true . hmmmmm :)
d-pants I teach a high-school Film History class and use this movie to give the students a real taste of the 60's. London is the setting for this film, and London was the THE happening place in 1968. The Art Direction is superb. Every scene gives a visual clue to the styles and sensibilities of that "mod" generation. The costumes designed by the famous Zandra Rhodes were on the cutting edge for their time. I'd kill for one of those dresses today. The plot is silly,sweet and no great shakes, but this film captures the spirit of the time better than any I've seen. I waited for 25 years for this movie to come out on video, and finally received it from my husband on our 25th wedding anniversary. I believe some scenes were cut for the video, but it still remains our all-time favorite movie, if only for the nostalgia it evokes. My students LOVE it!!
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