The Bleeding Edge
The Bleeding Edge
| 27 July 2018 (USA)
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Each year in the United States, unparalleled innovations in medical diagnostics, treatment, and technology hit the market. But when the same devices designed to save patients end up harming them, who is accountable?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
hkbateman228 I have been a Registered Nurse for over 18 years, and I agree this is a HUGE problem we are facing! I will also say (as a medical professional), that until this film, I was not aware there were "loopholes" allowing medical devices to piggyback off of studies that frankly do not apply, and even those studies that were completed lacking in actual data. We are trained that medications and devices go through stringent testing to be considered "safe", and sadly that appears to no longer be the case. I will be encouraging everyone I know to watch this film, but wholeheartedly agree with the "safety warnings" at the end of the film:Know what is being placed in your body, and how long it's been available on the market Ask for second or even third opinions Ask your surgeon how many times they've performed the specific operation you're undergoing, and Have a family member or friend act as your advocate while incapacitated by surgery.
robin-benson I found this a first class documentary about the countries medical implant industry. How bizarre that these implants don't have to be tested, unlike new drugs, on humans but can be sold if they are similar to those already on the market. The program devotes a lot of time to Bayer's birth control implant Essure. In Europe the EU raised various questions that Bayer didn't want to answer and the product wasn't sold in there, now with thousands of court cases in this country Bayer have decided (for business reasons) to take the product off the market by the end of 2018.Essure is just one of the implants revealed in the film to cause medical problems another was metal hip replacements that can slowly fail over time and cause cobalt poisoning. Medical mesh merges with internal organs and tissue making it extremely hard to correct in later operations when there are problems. The Da Vinci robot surgical operating machine is too complex for surgeons to use unless they have had extensive training, the film revealed that many had not even though the company told the FDA that there would be a serious training program for surgeons, having got their product approved the training option evaporated.One thing that impressed me about this documentary is the absence of those dozens of little clips you get in documentaries these days to fill up time between one main point and another and they usually have annoying background music. In 'The bleeding edge' it's almost all people talking to the camera in a straightforward conversational way that gives the whole thing great credibility. There is background music but it isn't excessive. As a documentary this is an impressive change from the usual over-the-top-production that is the norm these days.
patbig-97092 As always tremendously well executed by Netflix. But the exact same message could have been demonstrated and showed in a much shorter movie. In the end, there are only a few medical devices addressed and the movie unfortunately becomes more and more repetitive.
Gre da Vid If this documentary doesn't cause concern about the FDA and the medical industry, then nothing will.