The Black Hole
The Black Hole
| 26 May 2015 (USA)
The Black Hole Trailers

A sci-fi/thriller centered on a high school violinist who witnesses the collapse of space and time.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
trashman-66341 During the 80's there were good films and there were bad. The bad were terrible. This movie is like locking someone in a room, getting them to watch these terrible movies over and over again and then make them write a script.The plot themes don't hold together nor do they tie together. The filming is a little worse than a bad 'made for TV' movie. Cliché after cliché after cliché from the 80's - which is why the acting is so bad...If there's an attempt at lighting? It didn't show. The locations the 'skipping scenes' are shot in have no baring on the plot.It feels like the sci fi 'multi dimension' and 'quantum physics' is an interpretation which fits snugly into a bad 80's movie - i.e. it makes no sense and has no grounding in reality. It feels more like the writer doesn't really understand what these two physics concepts actually are. We are given no reason why they are involved, stay involved or disappear.But... when you see 'the event' scene it is touching and the sound quality is good. The film should be marketed as "Knight Rider' and "The A Team" do loss avoidance.This movie is trying to have a big emotional hit at the end but, because you never emotionally get involved with the characters it simply fails.
the_doofy They flipped realities so many times, (I lost count), that it occurred to me that the movie literally had no script at allJust brief situation shots, lasting two minutes max, usually much less, and then exiting to another situationThe movie requires no script, literally no script, no story boarding. This is probably the only movie ever produced in which no script was ever written, just 60 second scenes, portraying the sane actors, just being different people and sometimes wearing different clothes. a novelty movie that falls flat.There isn't a connecting thread, I watched most of it waiting for things to come together, and then realized it was going to 'rabbit pull' for the ending, so did not give it the satisfaction.
codydirt I bought this movie about a week ago from the Walmart and I should have gone with my gut. There was something telling me not to get it but it had Malcolm McDowell so it couldn't be that bad, right? Wrong. He couldn't even save this movie. I still have no idea what's going on and it took me four days to finish it. I fell asleep before the ending and every time I put it back on I forgot where I left off because it was so hard to retain anything. I was bored to tears. I think I'd rather watch paint dry. No, I'd rather play Go Fish with a bunch silent Monks while waiting for paint to dry than to watch this movie again. Two stars for the cover art.
agrundlespoon It's rare to see a director get so far over his head, yet so far up his own butt at the same time. While trying, and utterly failing, to map out a complex story, the film cannot connect the dots between simple human interaction. Bad writing, bad plot, atrocious acting, and Dean Cain and Malcolm McDowell sleepwalking their way through this clunker en route to the SAG minimum paycheck they must have earned. Hopefully next time (should there be a next time), I hope the producer saves up his paper-route money and spends it on a better script and director, instead of C list actors. One might assume (as I did) that this would be some discount bin B- Movie disaster flick, but sadly it can't even live up to that. They re- titled it, gave it an action packed cover art, and tricked us into watching one of the dullest bits of cinema I've ever encountered. If I found out that writer was twelve and the director autistic, I wouldn't be the least surprised.