The Black Dahlia Haunting
The Black Dahlia Haunting
| 15 September 2012 (USA)
The Black Dahlia Haunting Trailers

While investigating the murder of her father by her blind younger brother, a young woman disturbs the vengeful spirit of Elizabeth Short, known in legend as "The Black Dahlia".

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael Ledo This is a low budget indie film which combines the 1947 Hollywood Black Dahlia slaying with modern times through a haunting if you couldn't tell by the title. Holly(B-movie goddess Devanny Pinn) goes to Hollywood to see her institutionalized blind half brother Tyler (Noah Dahl) who just shot his parents, one of which was her father too, of which Holly seems unemotional. Dr. Brian Owen (Britt Griffith)cares for Tyler. Britt is perhaps best known for his uncredited role as "the tattoo zombie".Holly stays in a room that has the TV from "Poltergeist." The boring present is eventually interrupted by boring flashbacks to 1947. The acting is as bad as the direction, dialogue and writing. It is on the low end of the indie films, barely keeping its head above the cheese. The concept for the film isn't bad, although it has been done a gazillion times before, normally with "Jack the Ripper" but not the Black Dahlia.Not worth a Redbox rental even with Devanny Pinn.Parental Guide: Deals with rape and abortion. Shows a woman with a coat hanger. Near nude shower scene with strategic arm placement. IMDB claims it has the F-bomb in one scene, although I didn't recall any in my Redbox version.
Rob Mille Worst movie i have ever seen. Only finished watching it to see if it would ever redeem itself. Sadly, the movie never improved. I never write reviews but was so annoyed this movie actually made it this far that i was compelled to do everything i can to help others avoid wasting their time and money on this movie. The best part of this movie is the DVD art on the case. As for the worst part, i cannot narrow that down so i will list them and why i feel that way: Audio quality is intentionally poor, doesn't create any effect other than raising the volume. Dialogue is non existent. I could have written this script in minutes and it would have been less clichéd. Acting is atrocious. Not just the lead actress but everyone. Finally the camera shots and angles and focus are just annoying. It just seems like the kind of movie wanna be indie rock kids say no one else gets cause its sooooo good,then they grow up and realize it sucks when they have kids of their own and their kids make an equally excruciating film in their intro to cinematography class for university of phoenix online. Sorry for the rant, just trust me this movie isn't so bad it comical like sharknado. Its so bad u write ur first review ever just so no one else has to experience cliché after cliché and stereotypical independent film must haves. Anyone that writes a good review is lying or takes offense because they are an equally untalented artist or are friends with someone involved with this travesty.
jamietreetalker I saw this movie in Gettysburg, PA at Phenomenology 105. I don't want to give it away, but you might not think of certain actors in the same way ever again once you've finished with this film. For me, it was extremely disturbing, but loads of fun! I loved the story line and the modern twists inserted into this scary little tale. I thought it was very clever and well executed. I was thoroughly impressed with the cinematography they were able to do on such a small budget. The way the scenes were directed and filmed conveyed very clearly what the filmmaker wanted you to experience. I felt very enthralled, amazed, disgusted, and somewhat uncomfortable throughout most of the film. To me, that's a good film. I think that says a lot for the filmmaker and the actors. Wonderful job!
bktroub I had the opportunity to preview the movie at Phenomenology 105 in Gettysburg PA. The Britt Griffith I met was friendly, witty and very personable not like the Britt Griffith in the movie! He was very dark in this role. I found myself very drawn into the movie. The references to the time period were very accurate and the actress playing Norma Jean was very realistic in her voice and actions. I loved this version of the murder. It highlighted how the actors were passionate about the parts they had in the film. It gave me the chills!!!! This is a dark and scary movie, but not like the normal horror genre. I have been telling all of my friends about it. This is a film that will be in my personal library!