The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings
The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings
PG | 16 July 1976 (USA)
The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings Trailers

In the world of 1930s Negro League baseball, a spirited team of renegade players travels around the Midwest looking for that one big score. Richard Pryor, Billy Dee Williams, and James Earl Jones star as three barnstorming ballplayers who take on prejudice and their own League's unfair rules while stealing cars, food and home base - anything to prove that they're the best team around. It's a showdown of brains over booby traps and sportsmanship over racial segregation as Bingo Long's All-Stars swing their way into a winning season;.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
SamPamBam Considering the cast and the talent involved with this, a terrible disappointment, could have been so much better if only the director had gotten control of james earl, made him act instead of ham it up, and fire whoever cut it and put someone in who understood continuity. Generally a sorry excuse for a production-and for that there is no excuse.
blanchard35 I love this movie! Bet I've seen it 15 times and its always fun and a chance to see some great stars in unusual roles. Billie Dee Wiliams as Bingo Long is a great inspiration for "sticktuitiveness"; James Earl Jones appears here in a totally new light - who knew he could be a comedian as well as one of our best serious actors. What to say about Richard Pryor in all his multiple guises here? Just terrific! The supporting cast is strong - no weak links! I grew up in a segregated South so I really get what this movie is all about. Its replicates a piece of history not covered in the social studies books. The costuming and musical score is worth it even if you decide you don't like to movie.
howardeisman This film got great reviews when it came out, but I had to go to a African-American neighborhood theater to see it. That was only where it was being shown. It was not marketed for a general (prodominently white) audience. I believe that it has been overlooked since for the same reason: it is believed to be a movie about African-Americans which can be appreciated only by African-Americans.This is far from the case. It is a movie about individuals trying to do the work they love while being frustrated by irrational human attitudes and biases. It is a movie about adapting to the perception that your world is changing and the change will be good for others, but not be good for you. It is as good a movie ever made about finding your goals and persisting in reaching them, even as the value of the goal recedes before you.And it is hilarious. It is done with sly humor as well as laugh-out-loud wild humor.
zinddestruction One of the best baseball comedies mainly because of its very real and believable dramatic points. It also deals with a subject that has rarely been touched on in film: the Negro Leagues. The cast is absolutely incredible. Top to bottom a list of legends field this magnificent flick! James Earl Jones fits his aging sluggers role superbly and who better to serve up a ripping hot fastball than Billy Dee Williams! Richard Pryor gets high marks for his "faux-latino" Charlie Snow whose only reason for being on the team is because he has a nice car. Pryor also has a racey scene with a white prostitute and two paid hit men. Special mention of Carl Gordon who has a small role here. I loved him as the Dad on the great but all too short lived sitcom "Roc." Who gonna hit my invite pitch? Nobody. Not no one. Never. Bingo Long is the stuff of modern folklore. Invite pitch! Invite pitch! Invite pitch! A LOST BASEBALL CLASSIC. A great double feature would be "A League Of Their Own."
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