The Big Fix
The Big Fix
| 15 May 2011 (USA)
The Big Fix Trailers

THE BIG FIX uncovers one of the greatest environmental coverups in recent history – the 2010 BP oil spill. Critically acclaimed, The Big Fix was the only documentary selected by the 2011 Cannes Film Festival for an Official Selection Premiere, is Winner of the International Film and Water Festival and Winner of the Italian Environmental Film Festival.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Caritascr Saw the preview of this film at LACC, and got to speak to the film makers. Very good experience in both watching the film and getting the opportunity to talk to the film makers. Moved me to want to learn more about alternative ways of energy. The film makers were very intelligent and encouraging. When watching a film like this my reaction was what can I do to make a difference, I'm just one person will my contribution even matter? Luckily this question was made to the film makers and they made a good point on how even the smallest thing like word of mouth can be a great contribution. Making people aware of what is happening can lead people to change or want to find out more information. Overall this film was well done, had lots of good information.
robertlp202 I am a student from Los Angeles City College and I had the chance to watch a sneak preview of this film as well as meet the filmmakers Joshua and Rebecca Tickell. They are very caring and intelligent people who decided to share with my class their methods and to express their views on the world around us. I would just like to say that this film as well as the filmmakers have changed my awareness of the world around me in a positive way. I wish you Good luck on your journey to success and Thank you for visiting my school. I will never forget, "Catch as catch can, sometimes you have to work with what you got"-Joshua Tickell.Thank you -Robert Penna
Stefanie Penn Spear April 22, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig sank into the Gulf of Mexico creating the worst oil spill in history—killing 11 men and injuring 17 others. Until the oil well was capped on Sept. 19, 2010, 205 million gallons of crude oil and more than 1.8 millions gallons of chemical dispersant, Corexit, spread into the sea.Most people thought 87 days after the BP explosion the impacts of the spill was over, but, as you learn from filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell in their documentary The Big Fix, that's when the real story began. Thanks to the filmmakers, producers of the award-winning Sundance documentary Fuel, people can get a true accounting of the aftermath of the BP oil spill, including the detrimental consequences that the spraying of the dispersant Corexit is having on all species living up and down the gulf coast.The film exposes the corruption behind the cleanup of the spill. With the second largest generator of money for the U.S. government coming from the collection of offshore oil field revenues and royalties, BP being the single largest oil contributor to the Pentagon, and many U.S. Congress members receiving the majority of their campaign dollars from the fossil fuel industry or corporations closely tied with oil, it's no wonder corruption still runs rampant when dealing with this deplorable event.I was invited to join a panel of speakers following the films premier in New York City, and watched this remarkable film that left me speechless and wishing to never drive in a gasoline powered car again. The showing of the film was part of 7 Nights of Awareness, produced by the wonderful Paul McGinniss of The New York Green Advocate, where each night featured a post-screening Q & A with the film makers and notable environmental advocates from New York City and around the country.I left the theater committed to telling others about this film and working to reduce my consumption of fossil fuels. I'm working to bring this film to my home town of Cleveland and encouraging others to like the film on Facebook, follow the Twitter handle @The_Big_Fix and rank the film on The Internet Movie Database.
Jennifer Lo First off, how is it that the rating is only 3.4 stars when the majority of votes have been 9-10? Someone isn't doing math correctly...But regardless, this film doesn't need to be rated. Because it's not about the awesome creative camera angles used, or the emotion-inducing tracklist, or the rawness exposed from start to finish. It's about getting information out to the public...and since the message was conveyed so clearly and chronologically, I think it served its purpose. It was also all of those other things mentioned. So I definitely give it a 10/10. In all seriousness, you need to watch this video.