The Avenger
The Avenger
| 28 November 1962 (USA)
The Avenger Trailers

Aeneas leads escapees from the Trojan war to new land in Italy, and must deal with new threats to his people.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
bkoganbing The Avenger covers the story of Aeneas and how he led some survivors of Troy into exile on the Italian peninsula. Steve Reeves repeats his role Aeneas from The Trojan War as the exiled Trojans look to make a new home.Unfortunately in Etruscan Italy their addition complicates what looks like a delicately balanced situation among a lot of petty kings. One of them covets the land the Trojans have been granted on to settle.In the tradition of the Trojan War the film is cut above a lot of the Peplum epics that the Italians were churning out in the early 60s, taking advantage of those sets left over from Ben-Hur and Quo Vadis. It's all based on Virgil's Aeneid.And we get to see more of Steve Reeves physical development. That's what many were plunking their money down to see/
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1962, A young wandering Aeneas finds Italy after the Trojan war. He helps the country with his best abilities.*Special Stars- Steve Reeves, Carla Marlier *Theme- Inside a bodybuilder, there's a political leader trying to get out.*Trivia/location/goofs- Italian film. Dubbed in English. Mr. Reeves (an award winning international bodybuilder) becomes the icon for this type of legendary hero role and later helps Arnold Swartzenegger to take over Mr. Reeves cloak of strongman stardom. Horses' saddle stirrups and cornfields are not of this early Roman period.*Emotion- A boring and too long 'sword and sandal' film. I tend too like these epics. But, even Mr. Reeves appearance can't help the simplistic and one dimensional plot and script action.
steven-222 It's easy to forget, when watching the worst or campiest entries in the sword & sandal genre, that the Italians also produced serious historical epics in the 1960s. Here, Steve Reeves reprises his role as Aeneas, whom he previously played in the superb THE Trojan HORSE (LA GUERRA DI TROIA).Having survived the destruction of his city, the Trojan noble and a band of survivors have made their way to Italy, where they hope to create a new life for themselves. But the region is already populated by various tribes, ruled by warlords, and Aeneas's longing for peace cannot be accomplished without recourse to battle and bloodshed.The screenwriters take their inspiration from Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid. The scale of the sets and the rustic costumes evoke a convincing atmosphere of Bronze Age Italy. (Small details like the king's peculiar-looking crown are based on authentic artifacts). The curious customs of the natives have the ring of historical truth; the bird-shooting contest on horseback is a brilliant bit of cinema.A part of Steve Reeves' notable legacy as a performer was his portrayal of three of the great hero figures of the ancient Greek and Roman world: Hercules (in two films), Romulus (in DUEL OF THE TITANS/ROMOLO E REMO), and Aeneas (in two films). Of the three, his Aeneas is the most complex, admirable, and ultimately heroic.
dbborroughs Did Steve Reeves make any decent movies outside of the first two Hercules films?This is a sequel to the Trojan Horse.Trojans, fleeing from the remains of Troy end up in Italy and get mixed up with the Etruscans. The Trojans want a place to stay, but... The king is cool with it,the prince is not. A princess loves Reeves, but ends up involved with the prince... The prince sets up the Trojans and after 40 to 45 minutes of court intrigue a war breaks out, but its dull. Ultimately it comes down to Reeves and the prince fighting in silly helmets, which isn't revealing anything since its supposedly history and its in the trailer.I paid for this on video tape for what reason? Don't make my mistake, avoid this film.