The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank
The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank
| 17 April 1988 (USA)
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During the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, Otto Frank decides to hide his family, who are Jewish, after his daughter Margot is called to appear for transport to a Nazi labour camp. Miep Gies, Otto Frank's office assistant hides them in the attic above the office. The film tells the true story of Gies' struggle to keep the family hidden and safe, as the Nazis turn Amsterdam upside-down. Based upon Gies' memoirs and Anne Frank's famous diary.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Shounak Reza ''The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank'' is really a very good and interesting movie about Anne Frank. I like the history of Anne Frank very much and I have seen six movies about Anne Frank, and I think after ''Anne Frank: The Whole Story'', ''The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank'' is the best Anne Frank movie. The movie is about Miep Gies and Anne Frank. It tells the story of how Miep helped to hide the Franks, the van Daans and Dr Dussel. I liked most of the casting. The main reason to like this film is that it shows in detail about the time the eight Jews were in hiding. It also shows what happened after the betrayal and arrest of the eight people hiding in the Annex. Yes, it doesn't show any concentration camp scenes, but it does have the scene where Miep attempts to free her friends from the Gestapo headquarters. It also shows how Otto Frank came back to Amsterdam after the war... The music and the casting was good. And finally I think I would like to give this film: 8 out of 10. Everyone who are interested about Anne Frank should watch this movie.
alexbogue3889 I've seen many Anne Frank films, but this is one of a kind. It tells a story of how Miep & Jan Gies hid the Frank's, Van Daan's, and Dr. Dussell. This was all way before Paul Gies, Miep & Jan's son, was born. Simon Koophuis, Harry Kraler, Miep Gies, Jan Gies, and Elly Vossen were all great people, putting others before themselves in this time of crisis. Herman Van Dan, Petronella Van Dan, Peter Van Dan, and Dr. Albert Dussell were the other 4 with the Frank family. Before going into hiding, they were all fairly good friends. But these tight quarters made it impossible for them to tolerate each other 24/7. Dr. Dussell was a very kind man, he was just trying to understand a teen that was going through adolescence. Lottie Dussell didn't join her hubby because she was a Christian and would be dangerous. Overall, this is by far one of the greatest stories of all time! I hope it comes to DVD in the States someday. I remember at one time Paul Gies said that he would have loved knowing all these people.
Darlawood80 With all the Anne Frank movies and documentaries out there "Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank" is the most accurate movie I have ever seen. Eleanor Bron (who portrays Edith Frank) and Mary Steenburgen (who portrays the selfless and sacrificial Miep Gies) portrayed themselves very much close to their characters in real life. Although most of the actors and actresses are indeed American, the first half of the shooting of the film took place in the River Quarter of South Amsterdam, the actual neighborhood and square that the Frank family lived in. The movie portrays the lives of the Frank family before hiding and during hiding. Some of the movie really explains the tension in such confined quarters, the fear of discovery, and the yearning for the war to get over with. Although this is a made for television movie, and hardly even seen anymore, this movie is good for any Anne Frank fan too see!
blue-7 Having just read the book, ANNE FRANK REMEMBERED upon which this 1988 TV drama was based I was both surprised and pleased to find that it added to the experience of the book. Beautifully underplayed by the entire cast. Mary Steenburgen plays Miep Gies -- the young secretary who played a major role in providing the needs for the eight Jews hiding in the attic above her working place -- and she gives the finest performance of her career. Paul Scofield as Otto Frank and Lisa Jacobs as Anne are excellent as is the entire cast. The location work in Holland and the music by Richard Rodney Bennett contribute greatly to tightly written and directed script. This is one that should be released on DVD. A great companion piece to George Steven's 1959 classic THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK and the recent Documentary ANNE FRANK REMEMBERED. Out of print but worth tracking down!