The Astounding She-Monster
The Astounding She-Monster
NR | 10 April 1957 (USA)
The Astounding She-Monster Trailers

A scientist and a gang that has kidnapped a rich heiress come up against a beautiful but lethal alien who has crash-landed her spaceship on Earth.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
azathothpwiggins An absurd introductory narrative precedes THE ASTOUNDING SHE-MONSTER! Then, another narrator takes over, telling us what we're witnessing on screen. The abduction of a socialite, made so much better by voice-over rather than any real dialogue. The scene shifts to the wilderness, where geologist, Dick Cutler (Robert Clarke- THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON) walks his dog, unaware that nearby, a ship has landed. From this craft comes the shimmering alien of the title. Not only does she shimmer, but she seems to warp, as though made of some ethereal liquid. Either that, or she's imbibed too much space juice. Who really knows for sure? She saunters... no, sachets along, like an alien in need of a restroom. Still shimmering. Meanwhile, the kidnappers and their hostage arrive, all of this happening close to Cutler's remote cabin. Soon, all will meet together. What are the odds of such a confluence of various characters and events occurring? Perhaps the she-monster knows. Uh oh! The sachet-ing she-monster has the space voodoo, touch of death! She wanders... no, meanders through the forest, using her hands of deadliness! Who will survive this awfulness? Fans of all that is movie muck, rejoice! This is your day of deliverance! EXTRA CREDIT FOR: #1- The tough-talking crooks and their drunken moll. #2- The game of "in-and-out-of-the-cabin", where everyone leaves and re-enters several times, even after it appears they've escaped the horror! This is highly entertaining flotsam...
Michael_Elliott Astounding She-Monster, The (1957)** (out of 4)Low-budget mix of sci-fi, horror and crime has made this one of the most loved cult movies from that golden era where no-money meant entertainment in this genre. Three crooks kidnap a rich girl and then take another hostage inside a small cabin in the woods. Their plan is going great until a female alien lands on Earth with the ability to kill just by a simple touch. Fans of this type of material are going to get quite a few kicks out of this one as the film features some of our faves including Robert Clarke (THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON), Kenne Duncan (NIGHT OF THE GHOULS) as well as Shirley Kilpatrick as the title monster. Rumor has it that Kilpatrick, a good looking alien, later changed her name and took the lead role as the overweight psycho in THE HONEYMOON KILLERS but your guess to the truth is as good as mine. As one would expect with a film like this, we got stupid day for night scenes, bad dubbing, silly narration, poor special effects and a questionable story but all of them makes for some cheap entertainment. Apparently the movie was shot for $18,000 and it looks it. The performances aren't anything to write home about but they are good enough for this type of material. Speaking of the narration, it really seems like he's on some sort of bad acid trip because his speech goes in and out so much that he certainly seems drugged. The alien itself is done with some bad special effects but she's at least a nice looker. Fans of high budget Hollywood movies aren't going to find any charm here but if you enjoy stuff like TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE or ROBOT MONSTER then dig in and enjoy.
lemon_magic One of the most amusing aspects of watching these low budget-to-no budget pieces of hackwork from the past is watching the director and the costume and set designers struggle to make their limited funds stretch far enough to make something palatable on screen. Plot, script, blocking, makeup, editing, special effects (or lack of them), performances, 2nd or 3rd takes...can all go through the most fantastic contortions to make up for lack of big bucks (or decent ideas) and to try to entice the viewer to accept the proceedings as a 'real' movie."Astounding She Monster" twists, bends and slithers like a Slinky going down a flight of stairs in an attempt to disguise the fact that it was shot with practically no budget, and absolutely no talent.ASM has exactly two classy elements done right: the movie poster (which looks as if it might have been done by Kelly Freas) and the double-exposure effect on the girl in the silver leotard, which is pretty cool for a film from that time. It's at LEAST as convincing as any special effects from a Republic Serial series or a K. Gordon Murray Mexican/English hybrid film like "Robot Vs. the Aztec Mummy".Unfortunately, you can't watch a movie poster, and the one little special effect can't carry a film for 62 minutes. And every other aspect of the film is hilariously, blitheringly incompetent.I suggest you play the following drinking game while watching ASM: 1)Take a drink every time the cast steps outside the one room shown in the movie in an attempt to leave the area, but then are forced to go back inside that room (for whatever reason); and 2)Take a drink whenever the She Monster crashes back into the room through the apparently unlock-able door, and attacks yet another cast member. You will be completely smashed by the time the film ends, and thus much more bemused by the astounding idiocy of what you are watching. In short, a classic piece of crap, worth watching to see just how stupid movies movies from this time could get.
sanzar It's amazing to me how films this poor continue to have a commercial life, but the recent DVD release of this Bomb just proves that some people will watch anything (like me, unfortunately)!Produced on the cheap (maybe a couple of week's worth of a kid's school lunch money), pic features a mysterious, glowing Alien female (Shirley Kilpatrick) whose radioactive touch brings instant death. Miss Astounding gets mixed up with some kidnappers (led by Kenne Duncan) and their victims on a secluded mountain range and gradually picks them off one by one until vanquished by a stalwart geologist (Robert Clarke). Ridiculous denouement suggests that our title monster was sent to Earth as an Emissary of peace. You could have fooled me.Production values are strictly from hunger and the film has the amateurish look of a home movie. Poorly edited and with horrible sound, it's a chore to sit through. Although music is credited to an individual, the soundtrack sounds more like a collection of poorly matched library music cues.This flick started the downward spiral of Clarke's movie career, which reached it's nadir with a string of films with world class hack Jerry Warren. Warren no doubt used this production as inspiration for his "ouerve". Movies of this type have garnered a reputation for being "So Bad, they're good!". This one's just plain bad.