The Applegates
The Applegates
R | 01 February 1991 (USA)
The Applegates Trailers

Modelling themselves after an idyllic cookie-cutter suburban 1950s family, a colony of insects move from South America into the United States with the intent of getting access to the nation's nuclear resources.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
elshikh4 OK, so the suburban families as the American perfect middle class are cockroaches, NO, lower than cockroaches.. As the cockroaches themselves are more regular, less lustful, and real truthful, united unlike the lousy human race ! It's fun and bold satire that had been done as a little skit which was a cross between black comedy and gory horror. Although it got its talented inner sarcasm, and its superficial coherence, but it also got some funny and bold weak points : How in god's name did they, the cockroaches, transform into humans ? Organize as a military and intelligence ? Put a complicated plane ?? How they happen to be this size as bugs in the first place ? And now be ready for the big one : how could they build their earth after the end of the humans since the nuclear explosion would destroy them and the humans together ??!! Actually, being such an obvious satirical skit may not allow it to be that easy (or stupid !) but treat it in well-meaning behavior like it does with its cases.I loved the perspective to look into materialistic society urges addiction (drugs, sex, shopping, etc..) with no way to admit any of its faults (hide it is the best way), so how we all such a monsters masquerading as happy ideal "family of the year" kind of huge lies ! It was truly painful as well as ironic watching the scene of receiving the honorable award like the best of this community is its worst, and the falseness is on. Look at its deeper meaning : the human body oozes inferiority and degeneration yet with some cockroaches' ethics every thing would go right. I told you earlier it's the movie where the human must emulate the more perfect creatures : the bugs ! what an acrid criticism for a movie that is.(Stockard Channing) exceeded everybody, (Ed Begley Jr.) was good but lacks charisma and looks always cold plus he didn't add anything to his role, (Dabney Coleman) was disgusting for no reason but being odd ! The special effects weren't bad at all according to the movie's condition as so Independent Film. Aside from not making a real comic situations (just scary or sardonic ones) the scriptwriters just skipped (rather escaped from) writing very important scene in which the family return to their origin at the jungle in a reunion for more connection and peace after the hard clash where the hidden truths uncovered.. As all what we've seen was couple of naive silent shoots ! Maybe the writers don't know the cockroaches' language ?!.When I first watch it, I didn't know the year it came from, but I guessed the 1980s, so initially I thought how it might be so mean metaphor for the Soviet communists ! But thank god, as it moved on I discovered it was something more balanced and sane.Well.. With so zerotic budget, it handled itself fine. True, it canceled the imagination a bit since it considered itself kind of adult comic-book mainly to deride, yet despite everything it got wicked meanings and a way-of-its-own enjoyment.After 2 years there was (Coneheads - 1993) another similar joke, and although it was more imaginative but wasn't as dark and malicious as this one. (Meet the Applegates) will be memorable not for its strength or comedy but for its wild outrageous metaphor.
badcat-1 Keyword reference for this film indicates scenes of interracial sex.There were no scenes of interracial sex - barely scenes of interracial interaction (other than the law enforcement official that meets a slimy end -- no sex, though).Did I miss something?In fact, the sex scenes are not much to worry about -- the daughter's romp is not the least bit erotic, or funny -- for that matter. This movie was supposed to be funny, and I suppose there were enough scenes of purely outrageous content that generate a grin. Gut busting laughter? No.
Paul Andrews Meet the Applegates, there's the head of the family Richard Applegate (Ed Begley Jr.) also known as Dick, his wife Jane (Stockard Channing) & their two teenage children Johnny (Robert Jayne as Bobby Jacoby) & Sally (Camile Cooper as Cami Cooper). The Applegates at first glance appear to be a normal middle class American family when they move into a quiet suburban town somewhere in Ohio to all their new neighbours & friends. But in reality the Applegates are in fact giant cockroach type insects from the Amazonian rain forests disguised as humans. These giant insects are fed up of us humans chopping down their home, polluting the planet & having no respect or regard for the Earth & it's other inhabitants, fair enough... Dick talks himself into a job at the local nuclear power plant & plans to cause a meltdown, the Applegates & their species then hope the resulting radiation leak will wipe out the entire human race & leave the insect kingdom to live in peace. At first things go extremely well & their plan works perfectly but soon enough the pleasures & peril's of everyday American life begin to have an effect on their family unit & their plans. First Sally has sex with Vincent Sampson (Adam Biesk) whom finds out that she is a giant cockroach so Sally cocoons him & takes him home which causes problems as Vincent is the son of one of the Applegates neighbours, Greg Sampson (Glenn Shadix) who is a bug exterminator. Johnny gets involved with two dope smoking twins, Kevin (Philip Arthur Ross) & Kenny (Steven Robert Ross) & becomes addicted to dope himself. Jane can't stop buying things on credit, Dick has an affair with his secretary Dottie (Savannah Smith Boucher) & gets himself fired from the nuclear plant. Their carefully thought out plans & the very existence of their species lay in tatters as living an everyday American life has all but destroyed them, but others of their kind are on the way...Co-written & directed by Micheal Lehmann I thought Meet the Applegates was a highly original & very enjoyable comic horror. The script by Lehmann & Redbeard Simmons really hits the nail on the head with it's witty & satirical look on middle class American life. I loved the scene where Jane wouldn't have sex with Dick so he finds a picture of two insects having sex & masturbates, or the scene when Johnny questions if smoking dope is safe & his two spaced out friends say "we do it all the time" "and look at us", in fact Meet the Applegates is full of great individual scenes. The Applegates descent from the perfect American family into the emotional wrecks they ended up as was just spot on for me & although obviously the story is pure fantasy it seemed almost believable. It has considerable charm, the themes & issues that it raises & tackles are handled well & it manages to both tell a story which at the same time has a strong message & manages to entertain. Meet the Applegates is rather silly when all said & done but if you want something a little different & you are able to just go with the bizarre notion of giant cockroaches disguised as humans then you should be rewarded with a great viewing experience, the ending was a bit of a cop out though. The creature effects by Kevin Yagher are generally impressive & the bugs looked both quite cute & creepy at the same time. The transformation scenes are pretty good as well. The acting is pretty much spot on from everyone & all the characters are likable except Johnny Applegate & Aunt Bea (Dabney Coleman) who both irritated me. Meet the Applegates is generally very well made with nice production values & nothing really to complain about. Overall I really liked Meet the Applegates, it's a very original piece of storytelling that definitely stands out as being just that bit different which makes a nice change. I wholeheartedly recommend Meet the Applegates & urge anyone to at least give it a go if you get the opportunity.
LimoLassy This was a well put together movie. The bugs actually felt human. They acted as well as could be expected for a bug in human disguise.I wonder how hard it was to relate to a bug, as a human being... I loved the whole movie. And the moral at the end.!!!