The Andromeda Strain
The Andromeda Strain
NR | 10 May 2008 (USA)
The Andromeda Strain Trailers

A U.S. satellite crash-lands near a small town in Utah, unleashing a deadly plague that kills virtually everyone except two survivors, who may provide clues to immunizing the population. As the military attempts to quarantine the area, a team of highly specialized scientists is assembled to find a cure and stop the spread of the alien pathogen, code-named Andromeda.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
SnoopyStyle A satellite crashes in southern Utah. A teenage couple finds it and brings it into the town of Piedmont. A military retrieval team tracks it to the town and finds the population dead. They are also taken quickly by the contagion. General Mancheck (Andre Braugher) activates the Wildfire Alert. Dr. Jeremy Stone (Benjamin Bratt), Dr. Angela Noyce (Christa Miller), Major Bill Keane MD (Ricky Schroder), Dr. Tsi Chou (Daniel Dae Kim), and Dr. Charlene Barton (Viola Davis) are retrieved to investigate the outbreak. The victims' blood get clotted or they commit outlandish suicides. A man and a baby are the sole survivors. They are brought back to the Wildfire Lab. Reporter Jack Nash (Eric McCormack) gets a tip about the incident and leaves rehab. Project Scoop to collect samples from a wormhole is headed by Mancheck unbeknownst to President Scott who proposes underwater mining which could wipe out an unique environment.This stretches the two hour 1971 movie into a 4-part three hour mini-series. The 1971 movie is already extended. This one adds on a lot of stuff including The Happening. It also suffers from complicated scientific talk just like the original movie. It does have enough flash to keep it energized but it's not an improvement. Overall, it's watchable TV fare that leaves one in an empty Buckyball.
Gerry Nelson I have enjoyed watching the 1971 Move "The Andromeda Strain" Starting Arthur Hill, James Olsen, Kate Reid, Mark Jenkins. many times. I read the book years ago, and I have watched the movie every few years and, though I know the plot and a lot of the dialog, it is an interesting and engaging story which had been nominated for 2 Oscars. It was an interesting, thought provoking film with some fairly tense moments in it. I found the 'new' version yesterday, recorded it, and my wife and I watched it today. As the plot of the film is being developed, somewhat differently than in the original, it becomes clear that something is likely to happen to greatly influence the progress and outcome of this version. Just when the excitement and interest start to ramp up, the story switches gears, A related incident in a town near the affected area of the virus/bug/whatever we are fighting escalates the problem. An unwise decision to proceed with an nuclear weapon meant to 'wipe out the bug' is prematurely instigated. Then the attack appears to be stopped just in the nick of time and in a few seconds, the movie is over. It was just as if there were to be one or more sequels to finish or redirect the story to conclusion, but it just quits, leaving the viewer asking 'Did I fall asleep and miss the ending? I cannot think of a single movie ever that I saw where the movie quit rather than ended. I don't think this was an ending that was supposed to send you home discussing the outcome for days.....Perhaps there is/are sequels I do not know about. If there is no sequel or followups, there are a number of side issues developed that have no meaning at all now.
quincymd This is not even a remake of 1971 original film. I was preparing to see a good movie when I saw the title, but after 5 minutes I grabbed the Remote control and switched the TV off. There is no real connection with the original film. I am hoping IMDb creates a voting scale including Zero and negative values to rate these "productions" (should be read "destructions") with misleading titles.If I were the writer of the original novel, I would certainly ask not to be named in the creditsOverall Rating: By far, the WORST ever seen (mathematically the value would be tending to minus infinite)Reccomendations: Check release date before planning to see this title If it reads 1971 it's OK, if it is 2008, do not waste your time.
captainterror-801-260878 This TV-movie had a lot of promise, but failed for three major reasons:1. Horribly heart-breakingly bad story writing.2. Stupidly implausible(and numerous) scenes at key moments of the movie.(One of the main cast has a seizure at the end of the movie, and unknowingly "breaks" a single panel (in a whole room of panels) that prevents the team from disarming a self-destruct device. In almost the same scene, the same cast member Drowns in a tiny pool of water for no apparent reason, cutting Rick Shroeder's thumb off(don't ask)) 3. Rick Schroeder was cast for this film. (Seriously, really?) Everyone involved in the re-making of this movie should be smited. NOT worth a watch nor even a free download: AVOID AT ALL COSTS!