The Amazing Mr. X
The Amazing Mr. X
| 29 July 1948 (USA)
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On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and younger sister Janet become enmeshed in the eerie artifices of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper deviltry than he had in mind...

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Leofwine_draca THE SPIRITUALIST is a typical mystery thriller of the 1940s that seems indebted to the likes of Hitchcock's REBECCA. The opening sequence, in which a bereaved woman is standing on a beach at night and listening to her dead husband's voice calling her, is effectively spooky and ties in well with the whole Gothic sub-genre of the era that invariably involved rambling old houses, kooky partners, and mysterious events of the past.As it transpires, this film is even slower paced than most, and the first half only offers repetitions of the above event, mixed up with a little back story and some romance that threatens to drag the pace down to a plodding level. American viewers watching this under the title of THE AMAZING MR. X will invariably be disappointed by the movie's lack of incident and general sluggishness.Those with the willpower to persevere will find that the second half picks up somewhat substantially, with decent crime and thriller aspects added to the story and a strong, suspenseful climax. While Lynn Bari and Cathy O'Donnell come across as wet blankets, Turhan Bey does well in a complex part while Donald Curtis steals his scenes. Some surprisingly effective special effects round off the story nicely.
Aaron Igay Certainly not an 'amazing' film, but enjoyable none the less. I would almost call it a skeptic movie since it pulls back the curtain on the tricks of a self-proclaimed spiritualist. I always enjoy films that expose 'mediums' for the charlatans they really are. There is nothing subtle about the cinematography of this film, there was a bit of an overkill on fog, shadows and low-angled shots. The film's cast got shaken up at the last minute and was originally supposed to star Carole Landis who died of an intentional drug overdose just two days before filming. This film is in the public domain and available to watch online for free.
grizzledgeezer Competently-written, decently acted, and with direction rather better than one would expect from a "programmer", "The Amazing Mr. X" is a pleasant surprise. Turhan Bey, who usually appeared in "exotic" roles, is especially effective as the phony medium.The problem (and the reason for a 6 rather than a 7 rating) is the shoot-em-up ending, which spoils what has up to then been an acceptable drama. Unfortunately, it's easier to write an "all the bad people die" ending than it is to create a resolution based on the characters' situations and psychologies.Certainly worth a viewing, especially if you can't get to sleep.
Chad Halsman The Amazing Mr.X starts off a little slow but then starts to pick up some speed. Its a very interesting and unique old School type thriller. It has an interesting way of shifting the bar to subtle to making you guess what could possibly happen next. Although this movie can appear boring at times, it is a great opening into a psychological portal of the late 1940's. The actors also play their character roles with great feeling that also adds to the mystique of the entire film. Old School movie fans will definitely enjoy this intriguing thriller. Overall the movie is decent with some minor kinks in it, it lacks in the action department but the story plot makes up for this flaw. I definitely recommend this to any Old School Horror/Thriller fan.
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