Thank God He Met Lizzie
Thank God He Met Lizzie
| 20 November 1997 (USA)
Thank God He Met Lizzie Trailers

The romantic myth is exposed for Guy when he is plagued by memories of an old girlfriend on his wedding day.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
oneill-11 It is indeed sad that this film failed to succeed where other, far less interesting, Australian films did.It is excellent. Beautiful script. A truly high end cast. Restrained direction. Thoroughly enjoyable, yet thought-provoking.I lay its commercial failure at the fact that it was neither "a rom com" nor "a weepy". It was promoted as a rom com and therefore failed when audiences didn't get what they expected. It does not deliver the "everything is wrapped up nicely at the end and you can walk out of the cinema and forget all about it" conclusion that audiences seem to demand – especially if they think it's a rom com.Like many good stories (and life itself), it is more complex than that. There are some incredibly funny and romantic moments. There is also real loss, bitterness and regret.So if you can handle some ambiguity and nuance, then this is a great film.Through a completely relatable story about two quite different romances it explores many themes about love, romance and the perception of happiness.Who is the "right one"? How would you know? Would you recognise "the right one" or would you still think something better is out there? What is it that makes us leave one love but stay with another? Is it purely how happy they make us? Is it timing? Is it something else? Is settling a compromise? Can one love really make us happy? The list goes one.But this is all explored through a film that is engaging, and with some great little moments of comedy to leaven the mix.I recommend it.Oh, one more thing regarding various posts about the title. The US title "The Wedding Party" is in my view far worse than the original one, because it implies just a fun filled romp, yet again setting up the wrong audience expectation.The original title is an ironic reference to the fact that everyone else clearly thinks the main character will be happy with his bride, Lizzie, and is glad that he has finally moved on from his last relationship.But will he be, and has he? That's the whole crux of the film: expectations of happiness (both our own and other people's for us) and whether they can be met.
mifunesamurai Guy meets Lizzie and in a mad rush they marry. During the wedding, Guy's memories float to the turbulent relationship with the other woman - Jenny. Alexandra Long's script delivers the goods but let down by poor quality production values. The other saviour comes from O'Conner's performance as the manic Jenny.
bequibar A very good portrayal of life. Regular life and the choices we make, and the normal looking back on it and wondering what if... excellent acting, plot and dialogue, true ending. We are all searching for something, and we are all looking in the wrong places: in our past and in our future. What about today? Is happiness something you feel or something you remember?
mpal Towards the end of the movie, the Guy character says : "The trouble with happiness is that you don't feel it when it's there. You remember it." And I'm glad to remember that this is one of the very few movies I've ever seen that made me glad and ... (simply) happy.