Texas Rising
Texas Rising
| 25 May 2015 (USA)
Texas Rising Trailers

A depiction of the rise of Texas from the Battle of the Alamo to San Jacinto. A story told through the lives of the men who gave everything up to defend an infant country from a ruthless Dictator and savage Native Americans, and paved the way for the Republic of Texas to emerge.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mputnieks This is great and entertaining stuff. I do understand those who complain about historical inaccuracies, but for others who live far away from Texas (such as me) or those who aren't in love with history books this is great TV series with historical background.This stuff shouldn't be rated as some historical documentary. Texas Rising and the other History channel hit "Vikings" deserve genre of their own as they both are great. Even if the scenario has been added with fictional stories and adventures, titles as these are great at recreating the authentic atmosphere of the past. It is great at showing the struggles and problems for people living in Texas in 19th century.On other hand I really enjoyed acting in this TV series as it has some well known actors.Highly recommended even if you aren't bookworm of history.
mohancraig I actually read one that somehow compared this series to "The Lord of the Rings"... Lol, what dorks! It says right at the outset in plain English that the story is loosely based on historical events i.e. not a documentary; so do any of these ticked off reviewers know what a drama is... I mean besides the one they are personally having over the the production of this movie?!All the egregious inaccuracies aside that somehow defame the great state of Texas in so many ways that I'm not even seeing (but I guess you had to be there... like some of these reviewers think they were), the series was alright; a little slow at points but worth a watch. I didn't like Bill Paxton cast as Sam Houston probably because he looked nothing like the "Actual" Sam Houston who existed hundreds of years ago... also there was a bush in the town of Victoria that shouldn't have been there; seriously just enjoy the movie and don't over-think things... you'll be happier in life.
Justin Denson We were extremely excited for this mini-series. But I live in San Jacinto and Victoria coastal plains region of Texas and there are not mountains and bluffs to hide in. Its wetlands and a lot of trees and FLAT. It was hard to connect to the story knowing it probably wasn't even shot in Texas. Sims Bayou Bridge is near downtown Houston for crying out loud! Also, a lot of liberty was taken in telling Emily West's story. I don't recall reading she and Houston were romantically involved.The series had too many side stories and plots going on as well and it was hard to keep up with what was going on. In my opinion this would have been great, with the existing cast, but made into 10 episodes. They kinda wrapped it up at the end, they hardly gave people time to read the final summary of the characters. Seems like the principle characters we were given 1 second to read a short paragraph and the smaller roles, with only one or two sentences the viewer had 5 seconds to read.Lastly, my wife, who cries about anything, shed not one tear during this series, which means it failed to make an emotional connection. That is sad commentary in itself considering how passionate many of us native Texan's are about our history.
ckw5205 Too bad even Bill Paxton admitted fictional characters were okay. There are too many false events to write. History Channel takes a big dive in credibility with this farce. The Yellow Rose "person" is fictional and a myth at best. These writers, directors and producers should at least have to take a basic course in Texas history to come up with a "biopic" such as this. The time line is all wrong, Santa Ana didn't come back until a year after Houston was elected President. It infers Deaf Smith died of TB and there is no evidence of that. There is no reference to how Santa Ana was really captured. There are too many things bad about this crappy show to write here. It's insulting to any real Texan and Paxton should be embarrassed.