Terror in the Mall
Terror in the Mall
PG-13 | 29 July 1998 (USA)
Terror in the Mall Trailers

A group of people are trapped in a deserted mall during a flood along with an escaped prisoner.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
PWNYCNY If "Terror in the Mall" was one of the truly great masterpieces of cinema art produced by Hollywood in the last twenty-five years then the story would have been exciting, the acting wonderful, and the characters unique, all of which would have combined to make this movie a prime example of film art at its best. Everything about this movie would have suggested that it is a masterpiece, from the first scene in the prison to the last exciting scene when the antagonist is making his escape in the helicopter. Moreover, heroics would have abounded as the police and corrections officers join forces to apprehend a very dangerous escaped convict. And the special effects would have been like the icing on a very wonderful cake. This film would have been nominated for awards in every category, and the only reason why it would not have won is because the critics wouldn't have appreciated the true greatness of this movie. This movie would have been marvelously directed and offered dramatic performances that would have been Shakespearean in their quality and scope. We all would have applauded and said: "Bravo!" to the producers of this movie and "Hip-Hip-Hooray!" for taking the time to make such a wonderfully engaging piece of entertainment. But, alas, this is a mere fantasy, for this movie is truly bad. It's not worth the time enumerating all the things wrong with this movie, but suffice it to say that after watching this movie, one should turn on the news and watch what's going on in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and then decide for yourself whether a movie about shenanigans in flooded shopping mall is the kind of entertainment you want to watch.
kmaloney7659 If you're looking for a great movie with great characters, you should definitely look into this one!!! I was flipping through channels and saw this on Lifetime - the title instantly captivated me. Then I noticed that one of my all time favorite actors was playing in it - Rob Estes!!! If you loved his performance in Sweet Temptation, this is definitely a movie you'll enjoy. The script is wonderfully written and the actors have skills that rival those on the red carpet. It's SO believable! If only they would make a Terror in the Mall 2. What I especially liked about the film was how when the character Suzanne Price (Angelina Ball) got soaked with water, she resembled my favorite pop music star, Michael Jackson! It was amazing. Also, I like that they incorporated interracial relationships by means of the characters David Geha and Suzanne. Simply beautiful! The only thing I would change is that I would make it so that the architect, Roger Karey, did not die so early. It was a tragic loss and brought tears to my eyes. It's obvious then that David Soul did his job well!! And let's not forget George Anton, playing security guard Tom! He delivered his part with ease and excellence. A true hero. All in all, The Terror in the Mall is a fine piece of cinematic work that should be seen and enjoyed by all who love movies. You won't be disappointed!
fritz2525 At first before I see this movie I was really excited about it but when I saw it all my hopes were washed away by the flood *stupid dam*. Anyway, the reporter at the beginning of the movie made me laugh because she cannot act! It so obvious that she's reading something or trying to memorize something. The special effects are horrible! It is so obvious when the dam breaks that the little houses are just toys. When the mall blew up and the people jumped off the roof, the roof glass didn't even break into pieces. Thank goodness it was just a movie for television. If they released this on theatres, that's a big laugh. This is like Scary Movie that's meant to be funny. I like the twist part when they made this guy look like the killer whom you thought pretending to be the architect of the mall but really is the architect of the mall. That one got me. The acting is so great...BAD!!! but the killer guy (I'll give him credit for it, he's okay) For the rest of the cast...don't quit your day job.
roberttaylor1964 Typical "made for Tv" movie and it shows. Plastic scenes, plastic acting and poor plot. One question - Would you build a large shopping mall right next to a big dam????
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