Tequila Body Shots
Tequila Body Shots
R | 07 May 1999 (USA)
Tequila Body Shots Trailers

Things take a strange turn for Johnny and his two buddies when he gets mind reading powers from a medicine man's tequila while on a road trip in Mexico. Johnny must race to save them from the clutches of evil forces... at a deadly party in hell!

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Paul Andrews Tequila Body Shots starts in Los Angeles where Johnny (Joseph Lawrence) tells his two best friends, Al (Josh Marchette) & Paul (Nathan Anderson), that he has been invited to a Halloween party in Mexico by someone named Hector (Rene L. Moreno). The three friends decide to go & set off but Al & Paul become very sick on the journey, Johnny seeks help & meets Doc (Henry Darrow) who manages to cure Al & Paul with a couple of tequila body shots. The friends give Doc a lift into town & before they part company Doc gives Johnny a bottle of tequila of his own which gives Johnny the power to read women's thoughts. As Johnny, Al & Paul party the day away they meet three girls, Tamlyn (Dru Mouser), Angela (Jennifer Lyons) & Linda (Senta Moses). Johnny & Tamlyn seem to like each other but the mysterious Hector just won't seem to go away, from threatening voices to eerie hallucinations there seems to be something sinister going on...Written, co-produced & directed by Tony Shyu I have mixed feelings about Tequila Body Shots. The script is unique & has at least some originality about it but that's simply not enough when the whole concept & execution is so bad. For a start the film drags painfully in parts & most of it seems to be shots of annoying teenagers standing around drinking & cracking extremely unfunny jokes. The plot is bizarre, it contains magical tequila, hallucinations, ghosts, mind reading, reincarnation, possession, prophecies, a strange spirit world with the grim reaper, Nazi looking ghosts & a for good measure a few lame fart jokes. None of these elements come together that well & I'm not even sure what type of film Tequila Body Shots is supposed to be, is it a comedy? A horror? A buddy-buddy road film? An adventure film? It's a very hard film to categorise, it's something a bit different & the filmmakers must at least get some credit for trying something unusual but unfortunately that just didn't stop me from thinking that at the end of the day I had just wasted 90 plus odd minutes of my life watching total crap. The character's got on my nerves to start with but they sort of grew on me & I ended up quite liking them, also I couldn't but help think that if Doc knew what was going to happen why didn't he just stop Johnny & his friends going to the party in the first place & prevent the whole sorry situation?Tequila Body Shots is, at this point in time, the one & only film that director Shyu has worked on. I have to give him some credit as it's certainly colourful & has a garish look to it although all the Mexican stereotypical clichés come out like innuendo about sheep, everyone seems to wear sombreros & that all Mexican jails are full of gays... The film jumps into some sort of spirit world towards the end & it's all filmed in a blueish tone & it looks awful, the grim reaper ends up rowing what looks like a wooden box! There are no scares, atmosphere & the jokes are really unfunny. Forget about any blood or gore as not one single drop of blood is spilt during it's duration.Technically the film varies, some of it looks nice & colourful while at other times it's one of the cheapest, nastiest & most idiotic films ever. The acting ranges from OK to utterly awful especially Robert Patrick Benedict as Ted who is highly irritating whenever on screen.Tequila Body Shots is an unusual film to be sure, I don't think I've ever seen another film like it but as I've already said that's not enough to save it from being really crap. A bit of a mess & not worth wasting your time on in my opinion.
ladies_pinch Now, this goes out to all those people who have given this film a bad review, come-one, it's not that bad! sure the script is weird and a little confusing but there are a lot more worse films out there. And i don't see why everyone is being so mean to Joey Lawrence, because in fact he's the best bloody thing in the whole god damn film. And come-one, he does look sexy when he gives that girl a body shot!! the film starts off being quite simple Johnny a shy film student gets an invitation from people he doesn't even know to a Halloween party in Mexico. sounds simple enough. but the night before he meets a beautiful girl Tamblyn, who seems to be haunted by a guy called Hector. As Johnny travels up to Mexico he's friends become very ill and stop at a stank house in look of aid, when they come across a old man claiming to be a doctor, he gives all of them some tequila. the two friends instantly feel better, and Johnny is hesitant, but he does in the end drink it and it allows him to read the mind of women. So this helps him find out whats going on with Tamlyn, so long story short Johnny ends up actually going into hell (that scene is actually quite funny!) And saves the day blah blah blah. so anyways i liked this film and i don't really care if you disagree!! he-he! Love ya B*****
mrbrianm The stupidest f*ckin' film ever. It physically hurts. I can't believe I actually saw what i did. Someone somewhere got fired for saying yes to this unbelievably horrid piece of dung. i feel like punishing myself for not killing myself 10 minutes into it.In fact, I STILL feel bad.
LordZepp If this movie even tried to take itself seriously, it would be a train wreck. But it doesn't, and because of that, it's fun. The plot is loose, there's a bunch of badly developed characters, but who cares? It's completely fun, it has a completely wacky style to it, and it's well presented. Go ahead and enjoy it...there's way worse cinema out there.