R | 26 April 2008 (USA)
Tennessee Trailers

The story of three people who strive to realize their dreams. Brothers Carter and Ellis set out on a road trip to their childhood home in a desperate search for their estranged father, who may hold the key to their future.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
moonspinner55 Several years after fleeing their abusive father--and then losing their mother and only guardian to an unnamed cause--two young brothers hit the road on their own, but one of them contracts an unspecified disease requiring a bone marrow transplant. Stark, sketchy, turgid drama...tailor-made for indie film festivals as the writing is deliberately obtuse, the characters hopeless, and the landscapes barren and lonesome. Still, an arch phoniness renders the project unconvincing--and the characters uninteresting. Mariah Carey pops up as a put-upon truck stop waitress whose dream is to become a songwriter; changing the focus of the narrative almost instantly upon her arrival, Carey's working girl seems an unlikely fit for the troubled siblings, though at least she provides some quiet sparkle to the otherwise dour proceedings. *1/2 from ****
larry-411 Let it be said right from the start. Yes, "Tennessee" is a road movie with two guys and a girl. It's been done many times before. In fact, it was the third such film I saw in a 24-hour period here at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival, where "Tennessee" had its World Premiere. And, yes, the girl is superstar diva Mariah Carey. But there's a big difference between what the film appears to be and what it actually is, which is a surprisingly sweet film that was totally satisfying.Aaron Woodley's "Tennessee," directing from a Russell Schaumberg script, is one of those films with a plot that's difficult to even briefly summarize without revealing spoilers. Due to a tragic turn of events, brothers Carter (Adam Rothenberg) and Ellis Armstrong (Ethan Peck) embark on a journey from their trailer home outside Albuquerque, New Mexico to their hometown in Tennessee. In so doing, they must face a past they'd rather avoid. Along the way they meet up with a young would-be singer-songwriter (Carey) whose own dreams need some inspiration and support. The IMDb page has a comprehensive synopsis.Although three people dominate the film, it's the young men who are the focus of the story, not the Mariah Carey character, a fact which will likely be lost on many who see the cast of the film without giving it a chance. Adam Rothenberg and Ethan Peck are the actors who carry this film with their powerful personalities. Carter (Rothenberg) is gruff, rough, tough, and downright dirty. He drinks and swears up a storm. In perfect contrast, younger brother Ellis (Ethan) is soft, sensitive, sweet, and tender, with his creativity demonstrated in his love for photography. It's hard to imagine anyone with a sibling, or even a close friend, who won't be able to relate to one or the other (or both).The landscape of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Tennessee is so stunning that even the most inexperienced cinematographer would have had a hard time avoiding the beautiful vistas which help give the film its lush look. Here, in the hands of David Greene, "Tennessee" becomes a true travelogue, filled with jaw-dropping sunsets and breathtaking peaks. Of course, the fact that the film's protagonist is a photographer makes the visual style that much more appropriate. Natural and single-point lighting give the film a soft appearance. What Mariah Carey adds most to the storyline is her music, and the country soundtrack is perfectly in tune with the towns through which they travel.The biggest surprise for me was that "Tennessee" is not as comedic as many films with even darker themes. The recent trend towards gallows humor, provoking nervous laughter in similar stories, isn't apparent here. There are more tears than laughter, and even when the film is trying to be light the result is more often a smile than a chuckle. It's touching nonetheless and not as depressing as the storyline would indicate.It's a road movie that's poignant and touching with overplaying the genre to the point of sugary sweetness, as many do. There are enough twists and turns along the way to retain viewer interest even beyond the initial concept. The setup comes early but surprises abound. "Tennessee" is that sweet little American indie which is the elusive holy grail of film festivals.
kerrigand-1 I saw this flick at its premiere and liken it to a piece of art. The more I watched, the more I saw--gorgeous cinematography, soulful writing, and wonderful performances by actors all around. I think that it speaks to a more sophisticated audience with its depth of focus on relationships, particularly between the two brothers. If you see the movie only for Mariah, you'll be pleased with her performance--low-key and genuine; still, you'll be impressed with the work of the other actors, each one unique and well-cast. The movie is more lyrical than loud, and I mean that in the best possible sense. I dare you to watch it without being moved. What a sweet debut for the screenwriter Russell Schaumburg. Congratulations from a fan.
hb-boyd I urge everyone reading this to NOT listen to reviews written by Mariah haters who want nothing more than to hate this film or people who clearly haven't seen it. I watched the film tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival and enjoyed it. While this movie is about two brothers, it's really the role of Krystal that steals the film. It just so happens to be Mariah Carey's role but if any other actress were playing it I'd probably say the same. Mariah doesn't look lost and confused here as she did in Glitter. Here she's fully confident and it shows. It does help that her character seems to be the only one in the entire film to be fully thought out. The Krystal role really brightens up the screen and comes along at just the right point to move the story along - without her I don't think I'd recommend the film as much. After the film was over the writer spoke to us about intentionally writing little dialogue so that the actors were allowed to bring their character to life on their own terms. However, it felt at times like the film was too silent and lacked dialogue in important places towards the beginning where the brothers appear at a lost for words because there were simply no lines written. Also, it's hard understanding the relationship between the two brothers and their father without adequate back story. I would have liked to know a little more about how the father came to be the way he was - the few flashbacks did not help explain it. But on another positive note, like an audience member pointed out the film does have a beautiful landscape. The scenery featured throughout include various mountains, valleys and day/evening aerial shots which brought life to the overall picture. I don't recall much of a soundtrack but the one Mariah song was clearly a throwaway from her songbook, which may have been intentional since we're to believe she's an amateur just starting out on her journey to stardom. In conclusion, I'd say the actors all did a fine job with the script they were given and put their best foot forward. However, I think it'd be fair to state that this could have been a much better film with stronger dialogue and better direction.