| 10 March 2003 (USA)
Tempted Trailers

The strain of juggling her responsibilities as wife, mother, and successful paralegal have worn Emma Burke out. Thus it is that Emma welcomes the opportunity to briefly take leave of her Boston home and head for sunny Hawaii. It is not, however, a pleasure trip: Having promised to honor the dying wishes of her Hawaiian-born surrogate mother. Leaving her husband, Mike, behind to care for their two children, Emma arrives in Hawaii for the first time since childhood, where she is reunited with her childhood friend Kala, the handsome son of her late surrogate parent.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
adonis98-743-186503 A married woman becomes attracted to a young man after she takes the ashes of her nanny to Hawaii. Tempted is not a big awful mess but it's unfortunately a TV movie and it shows alot, Jason Momoa and Virginia Madsen do try their best as whole but the film doesn't really do it for me as a whole. Sure women will find some attraction and not for the reasons that you might hope and think. It's not a completely bad film as i said tho cause the acting was good and the story wasn't that bad it's just that i was expecting for something more to happen rather than just a love story between a young man and a married woman, overall a very below average film that not even Aquaman can save.
sol (Some Spoilers) It's when the workaholic mom and paralegal Emma Burke, Virgina Medsen, got the sad news that her former nanny and surrogate mother Lily, Itsiao ling Tang, had passed away from ovarian cancer her life made a sudden U-turn. Receiving Lily's ashes with the instructions to have them scattered in her native island of Kauai Emma dropped everything, her job her family and her weekly workouts at the local gym, and took the first flight out of Boston's Logan Airport on a 12,000 mile trip to the island to fulfill Lily's wishes.Arriving at Kauai Emma meets local beach bum scuba diver and flower farmer the tall handsome and strapping Kala, Jason Momoa, who just happens to be Lily's sister Kehau's, Kieu Chinh, nephew to show her around the island and meet the family. It's through both Kala, whom Emma falls in love with, and Kehau that Emma gets to meet the Brooklynese sounding native born Julia, Lanie Kazan, who does all the legal and paper work for them. It soon becomes apparent that the very unsociable Jula has a story to tell Emma but she's isn't quite opening up to her. It's Kehau who breaks the ice by giving Emma the lowdown to who exactly Julia is and what she means to her! Which blows the shocked down to her socks Emma's mind! There's also the fact that the farmland that Kehau owns where she both grows and sells her flowers is about to be bought up by a group of greedy land developers! It's now up to Emma to find a loopholed in the local law that would prevent them from buying up the land and turning it into a housing development: Which would be someone being buried on the land which would have it declared by the local courts as secret ground that can't be tampered with in that it would disturb the dead! This problem would have been easily solved if Lily instead of having herself cremated after death would have opted to have herself buried there instead!Meanwile back in Boston things are getting out of hand in the Burke family household with Poppa Mike, Andrew McFarland, having his hands full with his free spirited 15 year old daughter Jamie, Brook Harmon, hanging out all day and night with her boyfriend and not doing her homework. As for Jamie's kid brother Neil Burke, played by James Dean?, he's confused in what he wants to be when he grows up, a doctor a lawyer an Indian chief, and needs Emma's guidance to set him straight on course before he ends up living in fantasy land forever!***SPOILERS**** It's in the end that Emma finds the real reason for Lily having her travel to Kauai and to scatter her ashes there. It was something that Lily wanted to tell Emma all her life but didn't quite have the nerve to do it. It was also to unite Emma with her true and biological mother whom she was told was dead all these years. And thus make up for all the time she missed out in not being with her! During a tropical downpour with Emma Neil Jamie and the what looks like the barley 25 year old Kala's 15 year old son Billy(Michael Wilder), who ended up slipping off a boulder and cracking his skull, hiding in a cave to escape from the rain it's discovered that somebody back before recorded history, an Hawaiian cave man?,is buried there! Thus saving Kala & Keau's flower farm in that it made the land, according to ancient Kauai laws and customs, exempted from being tampered with: Like building a housing development on it!P.S Touching final scene with Rev.Stewart played by Garry Day, who's a dead ringer for the late great professional wrestler Captain Lou Albano, giving the eulogy for Lily, who in death brought everyone in the film together, as her ashes were scattered into the sea to the music of the Hawaiian version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow".
mariabell36 The film may have been a little sentimental, but not too much, and it includes Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole which sets the tone for the whole film. And seeing Jason Mamoa without his dreadlocks was worthy and dreamy (I love my Hawaiian men). I really did enjoy this Hallmark film, and the scenery made it worthwhile. Can you imagine, for the main character to find out that her mother was Hawaiian, and the land could be theirs. But this particular plot of the land feud was not resolve in the film by the time it was the ceremony for Lily. But ending it by her going back to her old life in Boston, is as real as you get, but what else could she do, split her family up to spend her romantic days with her Hawaiian hunk? and i suppose, Hawaii is a paradise, for a moment, and that's all. it would be nice if we all packed off to Hawaii to live with our Hawaiian hunks, if that were so, Hawaii would be the awful tourist trap of middle aged women you would see in some of the Spanish resorts today. Then, end of paradise.
Phyllis Lovell I hated this movie! Don't know why I even finished watching it. Oh, yeah, I remember...Jason Momoa was nice to look at.It moved slowly. Stupid story. Bad acting. Way too sappy. I didn't feel any compassion or connection to any of the characters except maybe Kala (Jason Momoa). A dumb too-easy ending.I had a big prob with the age discrepancy. Momoa & Madsen are actually 24 & 40. However, Momoa's character Kala has a 15 yo son who lives with his ex-wife! I think that would be biologically impossible. Ok, he actually looks older than 24 and his character behaved more maturely than Emma (Madsen). The character he played must have been much older than the actor really is, but IMHO not much older than 30. That would mean he had his son at 15. Ok, that's biologically possible, but married, too, at that age? This movie was suppose to be about a married woman being tempted by a younger man. Jason Momoa is very sexy and sensual. Who wouldn't be tempted? So where were the hot, steamy love scenes??? There was some kissing, but I never felt any heat between them. Besides Jason Momoa, the only other thing good about this movie was the beautiful Hawaiian location.I rate it 2 out of 10.