Teenage Gang Debs
Teenage Gang Debs
| 04 November 1966 (USA)
Teenage Gang Debs Trailers

A girl from Manhattan moves into a neighborhood that is the turf of the Rebels, a female teenage gang. She quickly rises to the top of the gang, and sets her sights on the leader of the local neighborhood tough guys.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Michael_Elliott Teenage Gang Debs (1966) * 1/2 (out of 4)Terry (Diane Conti) is a troubled girl from Manhattan who moves over to Brooklyn and soon goes after the leader of a gang. She cuts his girlfriend off and begins having sex with him but she then seduces another member of the gang and talks him into killing the leader. This here sets off some events that shows how mean Terry is.TEENAGE GANG DEBS certainly doesn't look or feel as if it was made in 1966. I'm going to guess that this film was shot sometime during the 1950s when REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE broke loose and caused all sorts of low-budget rip-offs to follow. This film certainly doesn't look like anything from 1966 so I'm going to guess that's when the film finally got a theatrical release.With all of that said, this here is a pretty bland movie and there's really nothing here that makes this film stick out from the dozens of others that were released back in the day. Basically you've got the Diane character doing whatever it takes to be a "leader" and she doesn't care who she hurts or how much damage she causes. The film never bothers to tell us why she's like this but I doubt it would have mattered.The performances are all rather bland, although I will say that Conti was at least decent in the lead role. The soundtrack, editing and cinematography are all forgetable and there's really nothing here that you'd consider good. If you're a fan of this genre then you'll want to check it out but others should feel free to skip it.
Leofwine_draca TEENAGE GANG DEBS is another old indie thriller put out by Something Weird when they used to release double bills of rare old-time exploitation flicks. This one's an example of the juvenile delinquency drama, shot in New York in black and white and looking at the bad behaviour of gangs during the era. The main character is a ruthless female protagonist determined to get to the top in a bid for power and fortune. Expect cat fights, sex, lots of hanging around in seedy bars, and partying. It's very cheap and scuzzy looking, and the plot is a bit too unfocused for my liking.
rwagn Let's face it. This movie sucks. It doesn't even fit in the "so bad it's good" category. Low low budget, horribly staged fight and rumble scenes-c'mon guys, somebody take a punch! This is another one of those movies where you can be shot or stabbed and there is never any blood. How this can be called exploitation is beyond me. Just because it's from the early 60's, is shot in black and white and has "teenage" in the title does not make it an undiscovered classic. Something Weird has so many better titles along this same ilk. Nothing happens in this film. The sex and violence and even the language are all rated G. Pass on this timekiller. Even the soundtrack music leaves much to be desired and you've heard it a million times. Every 60's porno loop lifted the same music and it was put to better use!
dziga-3 Surprisingly well directed considering its ephemeral trashcan image. I liked the photography of the fight scenes, almost worthy of Kurosawa. I liked the Jacobean amorality and black humour. And in its genre it was quite dramatic. No doubt hundreds of minor films like this are ignored by the critics and banned by the authorities, only to be resurrected on C4 Eurotrash-cum-Exploitica slots. Of course the nasty heroine had to have her come-uppance in the end, but there was enough action and atmosphere of a non-prurient satanic sex'n'violence to make the ending a pure palinode.