R | 16 September 1999 (USA)
Taxman Trailers

After a homocide that the police believe is over gasoline theft, a tax investigator discovers the Russian mafia is involved and that they are stealing millions in gasoline tax money. Only one rookie cop is willing to believe him and together they must get the evidence they need or die trying.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Samuel Cohen I have the DVD, This film reminds of Black Rain about Japanese Mafia. The Background of Russian New York Immigrants is very Realistic. Another film by Avi Nesher I enjoyed.
Movie Mania007 If you haven't seen this one, I would run out and rent it. Pantoliano deserves an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a New York Tax investigator. ....and not to forget the beautiful and talented Elizabeth Berkley--what an unbelievable performance! A must have to any movie collection....
Ed Fitzgerald I caught this on HBO while channel surfing and was almost immediately pulled into it -- it was so refreshing to see a cop film that was realistic, with believable characters who weren't superheroes, the kind of cops who get winded when they chase after a suspect and manage not to kill everyone in sight (in slow motion and utilizing more moves than the entire Romanian Olympic gymnastic team). The two main characters were real human beings who screwed up, went down blind alleys, made wrong assumptions, exploded in frustration when they should have stayed silent, did the right thing for the wrong reasons, and yet, in the end, did some good. I've noted in some of the other comments that people were put off by the fact that these guys were flawed, but that was exactly what attracted me about them.I thought the direction of the film was very understated, yet avoided the kind of studied casualness that's considered stylish these days. The story was engaging and kept me involved. The film moved along at a good clip, but took time out for the lead character to contemplate the situation as it developed. Although there may have been a few holes in the plot, I wasn't overly aware of them, and they certainly weren't as egregious as those we've grown used to in most blockbuster films.This was not a perfect film, and the elements from which it is put together (outcast cops buck the system, persevere and triumph) border on the cliche, but it's a film I would gladly watch again, and perhaps even want to keep in my permanent collection
Liesl-2 I agree with The New York Times review of this wonderful independent film -- it is a "charmer of a mystery... endearing and wacky!" Pantoliano is, as always, remarkable in his performance (He should be way more famous)!!!! The direction is unbelievable, a truly original looking movie, subtle yet powerful. A lot like the great movies of the seventies. I am only sorry that these types of movies are not en vogue because of the teen explosion... Otherwise I think Pantoliano would get an Oscar nod! Elizabeth Berkley is fantastic in it as well. I would rush out and rent it on video!A+