| 04 May 2016 (USA)
Tanna Trailers

In a traditional tribal society in the South Pacific, a young girl, Wawa, falls in love with her chief’s grandson, Dain. When an inter-tribal war escalates, Wawa is unknowingly betrothed as part of a peace deal. The young lovers run away, refusing her arranged fate. They must choose between their hearts and the future of the tribe, while the villagers must wrestle with preserving their traditional culture and adapting it to the increasing outside demands for individual freedom.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
nweston-95049 I have seen a few reviews both here and on other sites that make me laugh in relation to the reviewer's knowledge of the movie "plot" and of Tanna Island itself.NO, NO, NO! Tanna is NOT in a remote part of Australia nor is it a part of the Solomon Island group.Tanna is one of the 97 Islands in the Republic of Vanuatu, (Formerly known as the New Hebrides until independence in 1980.)There is no such word as "Vanuatuan" it is just Vanuatu. The people are known as Ni-Vanuatu (basically meaning 'born Vanuatu'), not "Indians".For those who thought that the 'plot' was a bit thin, what were the film makers supposed to do? The 'plot' is based on REAL events that happened just as 'recently' as 1987. Would it have been right for the film makers to fabricate a different story or outcome?One of the real take aways from the movie and the events themselves was just how quickly the Ni-Vanuatu people reacted to the sad outcome that was initially brought on by the prior custom of arranged marriages.The people in the movie may be viewed by some as 'uneducated savages', but hey, they stopped arranged marriages in 1987, the Royal Family of Britain were still wanting to arrange marriages until Prince William and Prince Harry turned the tide.The other thing that gains some criticism, is that the film gets a bit slow from time to time. Yes, I agree that it does.But I think what the movie makers were trying to create, was not just a typical movie with just a storyline, they were trying to draw us into knowing the people of Vanuatu better, they were giving us incredible images of the great beauty of the country and it's islands, and they were showing us that Vanuatu is "another time, another pace".Things do tend to happen a bit slowly in Vanuatu, and the Pacific Islands as a whole. The term 'Pacific Time' is well known to seasoned travellers.In Vanuatu, you learn to slow down, look around and see and appreciate the little things in life. Take time to smell the Hibiscus and the fresh clean environment.Sure there is violence, but also look at the simple pleasures and happiness gained by the people. People living happily and contentedly without the need for material things that we think are so important to our lives.People living together, supporting one another and coming together and resolving issues in times of turmoil and grief.Look beyond the storyline and our own ideas of life and see that these 'primitive' people have so much to teach us 'civilised' ones, if we just take the time to stop and really look.
huseyinakd Interesting directing, watchable cinematography and natural habitat...How could they capture all the movie? All characters are non-actor or actress but they are very grateful. Climate, local people, real characters, amazing volcano scenes, shortly cast overcame all of the different problems, victoriously. In my opinion, movie' all the say is "alleged" uncivilized society must had be wild. On the contrary, movie's every second said that they are more civilized against us. I love meeting scenes.
Miguel Neto Tanna is the representative of Australia in the Oscar for best foreigner film, it is an interesting film, even though it is obviously not the first film to portray Indian life, nor is it the last, the film is a little different, it is a novel , I liked the acting, it sure is the strong point of the film, the photograph is very beautiful, the soundtrack combines with the film, the script is only medium, and the movie has moments of tedium, the direction of the movie is good, and Can very well capture the emotions of the characters, but I would not indicate Tanna for the best foreign film, since it's just an interesting movie, it's not a good movie, but it has enough quality, such as photography and performances, more It's a totally forgettable movie. Note 6.5
daradwest I was lucky enough to see this amazing movie in Vanuatu in March. I am frustrated that this movie is not widely available in the US and you can not buy the DVD here. This movie is beautiful. You are transported to another culture dealing with the universal issues of love, family and community norms. What is even more amazing is the actors are not trained actors but villagers. They do an excellent job.The movie is visually stunning. Shot in Vanuatu on location with an active volcano in the background adds to the emotion.Hope others in the US get the opportunity to see this.