Tales from the Hood 2
Tales from the Hood 2
| 13 July 2018 (USA)
Tales from the Hood 2 Trailers

Mr. Simms returns to tell more eerie, unsettling tales involving dolls, psychics, possession and ghosts.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
tdctazsmom BOOM! LOVED IT! Saw it at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal. Directors Cundieff and Scott weave 4 stories with a wrap around. First, Keith David replaces Clarence Williams III. He BRINGS IT!! Totally believable as Mr. Simms.All of the stories were great, but I really enjoyed "Golly" and "Emmett Till". Taking a modern character and interweaving it with a historical character was very effective."Tales 2" is proof that a horror film can be more than guts and gore, it can have compelling storytelling. "Tales From The Hood 2" deserves to be seen and enjoyedKudos to the Producers and Directors for bringing back the franchise!
captivesredemption I loved the first one and the seconds was just as good!
takechargedom I came in with super low expectations and was ready to walk out during the opening credits. Insanely cheap and silly CGI with dancing skeletons (?!?!) guaranteed that this film won't even be enjoyable trash. I took a few deep breaths and told myself to give the two directors a chance (they were in the audience and stated how nervous they were to watch this in front of an audience for the first time) and boy did I regret it. Absolute garbage on all fronts with little to no redeeming value. The only horror I felt during this screening was imagining how uncomfortable the Q&A would be after the film. I shudder at the very thought.
afjoly-22-948726 Although the tale ''Sacrafice'' is very eye open on the unfortunate US history on civil rights & must of the tales are filled with laughters, I became sick & tired of the racially, sexism BS that was heavy to put onward a liberal hatred of victimhood. Enough of reverse political & please get back to art & genre!