| 22 April 2006 (USA)
Séance Trailers

Over Thanksgiving weekend, all but five students in an old Manhattan building that's now a college dormitory leave for home: staying on one floor are roommates Lauren, Melina, and Alison, plus her boyfriend Diego and Grant, a loner in a room down the hall. Lauren's been seeing things in her bathroom: a silent child of about six. Diego has written a paper on parapsychology, so he holds a séance with the disbelieving co-eds. Something goes awry, because bad things start to happen and the students' only defender is an aging campus cop named Syd. What's the silent ghostly girl's secret, and can Alison discover what's going on before it's too late?

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake) After a group of college kids attempt to rid their dormitory of the ghost of a mischievous little girl, they accidentally release the spirit of the man who killed her. The spirit then turns his murderous gaze upon the students, and begins to take them out one by one.The writer of both Vacancy and its upcoming straight-to-video prequel started in the business, here, with Séance. Going in, for some reason, I had hope for this to be at least average & likable. I don't know why. The story's nothing special, the setting is overdone, I didn't know who Mark Smith was until I checked the IMDb credits after the film. . . there was just something that made me expect at least SOME good. And I wasn't really disappointed. It wasn't really all that bad. . . just exactly what I was expecting, which is almost worse because I would've liked to see something different. Unfortunately, this film just followed the lead of pretty much every other low-budget haunted 'house' flick that's come out over the past few years: flickering little girls, faint whistling, flashy editing, etc. The film did have a few really creepy moments, but none of them new or special. The acting wasn't too bad for the most part, nothing worthy of awards or anything, but it was pretty standard mid-level-horror quality. The dialogue was pretty well written. . . there were parts where I genuinely thought, "That IS how (fill in a friend who fills in stereotype here) would act in this situation." But, as the story progressed, the film became more and more ridiculous, taking new plot turns that tried to add a bit of complexity when it really should've just stuck with a straight up ghost-story-turned-slasher. If you're looking for an easy film, nothing special and ultimately forgettable, give this one a try.Final verdict: 5/10.
Michael O'Keefe This movie is actually better than you might think. Several college students end up spending a rainy Thanksgiving holiday in the dorm and one, Lauren(Kandis Erickson)is certain she shares her room with the ghost of a little girl. Things get to be too creepy and there is a séance in an attempt to rid the room of the scary little girl. The group get more than they ask for...for they have summoned back the little girl's killer. Not much on scenery, but the atmosphere of an old building with electrical problems during a storm...duh. Some situational thrills, but SEANCE is no horror-fest. Pretty bland. Others in the cast: Joel Geist, Chauntal Lewis, A.J. Lamas and Adrian Paul.
zvehn This was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Aside from the technicality of the use of the word Seance to give a "point" to the movie, the rest of it was utter bull. From the way the actors "acted" to the more than lack luster (or is it less than lack lu.. nevermind) stage design, this movie had awful written all over it. A review? This movie isn't even worthy of such. This is more of a warning than anything else. You may enjoy this if you like cheap laughs and a few jumps (and that's only if you have a weak heart), but aside from that this really isn't worth it.The only reason I gave 2/10 is that I wanted to be "nice".
baker_3434 I picked this up because Adrian Paul (The Highlander) was in it, and I'm glad I did. I thought the movie was scary and fun. I love horror films, but they often disappoint me because they go for gore instead of suspense and tension. But this one has a spookiness that builds right from the opening ( I hate creepy little girls) and as soon as they have that first séance it really gets scary, with Adrian and that little girl wandering around the halls. But if you're looking for loads of blood this isn't the movie for you. The characters were all fun and seemed like real students instead of 30 year-olds trying to act like teens. The acting was much, much better than most lower-budget films, especially the Diego guy. The special effects weren't the best, but it's the kind of movie where that doesn't matter so much. Just turn down the lights and enjoy the scares. Overall I give it a 7/10