NR | 13 April 2007 (USA)
Sympathy Trailers

A bank robber and his hostage spend the night in a hotel where they are visited by a man who sends the story on an unexpected path full of twists and turns.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
movieman_kev Two people, a criminal and his hostage hole up in a dingy hotel room during a dark stormy night, only to be joined by an enigmatic third who takes them both hostage in this tense little independent film.I was a bit cold to this movie when it first started due to some overacting in the beginning but after I warmed up to it and got used to the stage play mentality of the piece, I found it to be quite interesting. The movie slowly burns to a fairly taunt third act that makes the film all the more worthwhile. Well-acted all around and while not the best low-budget movie I've seen, it is remarkable well-done especially given its limitations.
gavin6942 A failed bank robbery leads to a hostage situation in a hotel. An escaped convict also arrives at the hotel, commencing a series of three-way mind games.The movie starts off pretty strong, right in the middle of the hostage situation. There is no bank robbery shown, and the entire film consists of one room and three people. This is a minimalist approach to filming and a good way to stretch a budget. "The Disappearance of Alice Creed", a similar yet different story, relied on this tactic to keep the film simple and easier to storyboard. Here we have a poor man's "Alice Creed", simple enough that it could even be a stage production.The directing and cinematography are above average (thank you, Andrew Moorman) and the sound is also quite good. If there is any weak point, it may be the casting. I do not mean to imply that the acting was bad. Everyone here played their parts well. My only concern was that the captor did not have a menacing look and I doubted his ability to pull off such a caper. This inconsistency is somewhat resolved later on in the plot development, but not to my full satisfaction.The second actor, playing the convict, is more convincing for me. He has a natural darkness to him, a sort of stereotypical Sicilian look. He does play the more violent and threatening of the two, so that was a wise choice (having the little guy boss around the big guy would look silly if it was anyone other than Joe Pesci doing it).In short, the film did not do it for me. I sort of regret saying so, because I feel this was more a budget issue than anything else. There is plenty of talent behind this picture and I really hope to see Andrew Moorman's work in the future. He has the skills, he has the eye of a masterful director. But something just did not ignite on this one.
Greg Note to all you first time filmmakers that embark on the journey of making a low budget horror or thriller film – 'Keep it Simple'.If only more directors without much funding would take this to heed we would get more films like Long Pigs and Sympathy and less like The Landlord and Dead Noon.This was not lost on director Andrew Moorman who took a smart thriller by writer Arik Martin and turned it into a very competent and highly entertaining film called Sympathy.The beauty of the film is in its simplicity. The story has but three characters and all takes place in a motel room. That is where a suggested bank robber named Tripp (Steven Pritchard) brings his hostage Sara (Marina Shtelen) and handcuffs her to the bed. While trying to formulate an escape plan, Tripp's getaway is interrupted by Dennis (Aaron Boucher), an escaped convict who coincidentally end up in the same room with multiple agendas.In a film style that clearly pays homage to Alfred Hitchcock and Brain DePalma, the three characters will spend an evening revealing depths of their personalities while setting in motion an intense cat-and-mouse game convoluted with bulging egos and personal motivations.To further obstruct a clean getaway, characters will be shot, stabbed and emotionally tormented as the story unfolds revealing characters that are not whom they appear to be. The final chapters will include a blood soaked ending that will remind you of an early Tarantino work and a satisfying end to an evening's odyssey.Kudos to director Andrew Moorman for not trying to squeeze more out of the intelligent script than what was pressed onto the straight to DVD release. His directing was able to hide from this seasoned reviewer a reveal that I didn't see coming (granted it wasn't M. Night-ish, but it still generated a 'wow' response).When producing a movie with one setting and limited characters, it is important to have strong acting to accompany the script pages or all is lost. Pritchard, Shtelen and Boucher put on believable performances even if the acting is at times uneven. Shtelen in particular starts off weak, but by the end of the film, she plays the role of Sara with a seasoned confidence.Revealing any specifics would be an injustice to anyone who follows this review with a screening, but as low budget, independent films go, this one ranks in the top
buckeye_fan_525 I recently attended a very special night at the movies. In Yellow Springs, Ohio the director of this film returned to his hometown to present it to one of the more enthusiastic crowds I've ever been a part of at a movie theater. Some were there to support the filmmaker, others had heard about it through the local press the film and its director had received, and it seemed some just stumbled off the street, caught by the image of this girl on the poster. Regardless of how we all got there, much like the characters in SYMPATHY, I don't think any of us had any clue what we were getting ourselves into! This film is... Wow! I don't know how else to describe it. Taking place all in one room the premise sounded a little arduous to sit through, but the movie never leaves you bored in any capacity. In fact, I still have claw marks on my arm where my wife gripped me most of the night. While I don't consider myself a critic or anything more than your typical and occasional movie goer, I do think this film was masterfully directed by its young director. After the film he spoke with such insight, enthusiasm, and charm it seems no mystery that it would end up like this, but based on what he said it wasn't an easy battle to get there by any means. That being said, I applaud all the artists behind this film for whatever they went through was worth every minute. They've created a film that I'll never forget. The cast was especially incredible for what the director described as 'first-timers.' The bankrobber added the needed levity to the film, the girl was unbelievable as images of her covered in blood will not soon leave me, but the standout performance for me was the escaped convict, Dennis. I hope to never run into this guy in a dark alley as his psychotic nature and portrayal of a true psychopath was the most convincing I've seen since Hannibal lector. Also to mention his finale, which I won't give away, was so riveting I think it deserves whatever awards they give out for such an act. My wife said she couldn't take her eyes off the screen, but she had to look away, that seems like a good combination for this genre. All and all I sincerely hope this film makes it to theaters across the country so they can experience what we did that night - a night at the movies we weren't expecting, and we'll never forget. The director had mentioned in one news article that he used to attend this theater because they played the types of alternative films that transported him to a different time and place and made him realize what a movie was capable of doing. Kudos Mr. Moorman, you've now done that thing you once admired to us. Amazing work everyone, can't wait for the next one!