Sweeney 2
Sweeney 2
| 30 March 1978 (USA)
Sweeney 2 Trailers

The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
s-allport Wonderful example of a great British series John Thaw was a fine actor who always brought truth and a high emotional content to the screen,Dennis Waterman is well Dennis Waterman but a capable enough actor to play the sidekick.The film itself is of course a child of its time yes the wallpaper/clothes/cars are all horribly dated as are the simple "moral" attitude's towards women :smoking:drinking etc,but lets remember the "hard men" around in those days were just that "hard men" and they existed on both sides of the fence.Its also got to be remembered that this was a spin off film and that the budget was never going to be high and frankly it did not need to be high as this story does not demand it,perhaps the film does "sag" a little in places and the Malta shoot added very little to the plot,the body count/violence is pushed up but then I guess thats what producers/film makers thought that freed of the shackle's of television you had to go down this path.What the film does have going for it are good to excellent actors who knew there stuff, writers in the shape of the kennedy Martins who also knew how to pitch/sell the police plots in a " tight" structure manner,and the capturing of a time and place IE 70s London which no longer exist.So overlook the pacing the plot holes and the 70s morality and enjoy the snappy patter kipper ties(now you know you had one when you younger) and the Ford motors but above all John Thaw who was one of the uks finest actors in any medium or in Regans way' get your trousers on Tinkerbell your nicked
Master Cultist The second movie outing for everyone's favourite rough diamonds, Regan and Carter.When a team of well-trained villains commit a string of bank robberies, only the hard drinking, womanising men of The Flying Squad have any chance of catching them and stopping the crime spree.And it's a hit and miss affair. Whilst the nostalgic shots of London are always a treat, and the dizzying array of classic cars never fails to please, the plot line here is confused and unfocused, with far too much time spent behind the scenes, following Regan and Carter's antics away from the Force.The calibre of actor on show is impressive, with several notable cameo's from top British talent, not least Nigel Hawthorne and, of course, Thaw and Waterman are always worth a watch.Whilst this would be the last of the Sweeney spin-off movies, I'd say it's only recommended to die hard fans as the cripplingly slow pace will put others well and truly off.Average, then.
ShootingShark Regan and Carter, two tough London cops from Scotland Yard's Flying Squad, are investigating a gang of blaggers. They trace the villains to Malta where they are living in retreat from the profits of their bank jobs, but are unable to link them to their crimes. The gang however have one last job to pull off, but it doesn't go to plan.This is the weaker of two movies spun off from the quintessential British TV cop-show of the seventies, but despite being made by the same people, neither have the dramatic quality or the tight plotting of the series. The script is an unusually weak one, given the talent of writer Troy Kennedy Martin (who wrote for the TV show and whose brother Ian conceived the characters), which dilutes the bank-robberies plot with unnecessary filler and doesn't give Thaw anything substantial to do. The film does however have a good support cast of experienced British TV actors, and the tremendous chemistry that Thaw and Waterman developed over four years working together. And it's nice to see a movie which portrays the cops as drunken, bad-tempered, untidy, irresponsible, chain-smoking, fast-food-munching, porn-watching, on-the-take thugs. Neo-realism at last !!
tellybuff This film from the outset feels like something someone has written whilst high as a kite. The attraction of the Sweeney series is the pace of the plot, the running gags and sarcastic humour all the way through the film. This is a bit like watching John Thaw playing a different part whilst still called Regan. It almost plays like a book. The 'plot' or what there is of it, is split into several mini parts. Some of them have no resemblance whatsoever to the main crime being commited during the film. A gang of criminals goes round London pulling 'blags' on several large Metropolitan banks. They only take the equivalent of $100,000 from each one and leave the rest in the getaway cars. Weirdly, and although much is made of this during the film, itis never actually explained why this figure is required. It is one very strange film where you feel like time is moving very slowly and you are almost watching the events unfold in real time. The film lasts almost 2 hours but in truth could probably have been done properly in 1 hour comfortably. If you are a fan of the original series and are expecting the same you are in for disappointment. Its not the series and its not half as amusing.