Supreme Sanction
Supreme Sanction
| 09 April 1999 (USA)
Supreme Sanction Trailers

An elite assassin for a covert Government agency is marked for death after aborting an assignment to take out a journalist who could expose the corruption of the very institution that trained her as their weapon of choice.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Tonci Pivac Very interesting action flick. An elite assassin(Kristy Swanson) for a covert U.S. agency decides not to pull the trigger on her latest assignment. She spots her target who is a well known TV reporter(David Dukes) playing with his child and decides to not take his life. Now she and her target are hunted down by her employers. Michael Madsen and Ron Perlman are determined to catch the savvy and sexy sharpshooter.The main highlight for me in this film was of course Michael Madsen, Anything he does is gold, I don't care what anyone else says about him, he is not overrated, if anything he's underrated and deserves more respect, Great film, and a fantastic job done by Madsen in this role.
merklekranz If you are a fan of Michael Madsen or Ron Perlman, and can tolerate Kristy Swanson, then "Supreme Sanction" is worth a look. Personally I like David Dukes as a bad guy, as in "Snow Kill", but here he is nothing more than a rather bland journalist. This is a small, low budget movie, that would fall through the cracks were it not for some unexpected humorous dialog. Think Kristy Swanson as a female James Bond- type trying to carry a totally unrealistic script. One redeeming factor is the almost total absence of car chases. There are however, plenty of "F bombs" dropped by the entire cast. Marginally recommended. - MERK
Mike The first question is: how many talentless idiots it takes to screw a movie up? Answer: one is more than enough, if he writes the screenplay and directs it. The second question is: did anyone teach the actors to handle guns properly? Answer: hell no. I wonder if Kristy Swanson got hit across the face with hot brass - because it damn seemed so! The third question is: how many times we did the "super secret government agency conspiracy gets uncovered from inside" plot? Answer: a good couple too many! The fourth question is: are Michael Madsen and Ron Perlman overrated? Answer: in this movie, sadly, yes. The fifth question is: can a pair of boobs save this movie? Answer: even three (Kristy Swanson's pair and the director/writer) didn't.God... If I see the (most probably) assassin getting her guns ready for a hit, and then the morons from prop department give her a completely different set the first bloody thing in the goddamn movie, the "suck" meter hits the peak. Time from beginning of the movie to me switching the TV off: fifteen minutes. Just a little bit more than it took me in case of "Alone in the Dark".
JamieWJackson This movie is only so-so as entertainment, but I found the subject matter extremely interesting given the current political climate. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but suffice to say that it has to do with using terrorism as a pretext to justify government power. Mmmmmmm. As usual, the concept of "what if the entire government were doing that" isn't explored, but it still scored a blip on my raised-eyebrow-radar (see "Enemy of the State" and "The Matrix" for other recent films in this vein, both better than this one; "Conspiracy Theory" is not as good as those two but also worth seeing if you like this kind of thing).And, of course, it's got Kristy, so I had to give it a 5. Actually I might have given it a 4 but the other actors did a pretty good job and the dialogue was above average even if the plot wasn't as explosive as the title might suggest. A nice effort, for a low-budget thriller.