R | 01 September 1973 (USA)
Superchick Trailers

Tara B. True is a flight attendant who makes a weekly swing through New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. In each city, she has a man: Edward, older and wealthy; Johnny, a beach bum with gambling debts; and, Davey, a rock musician on the cusp of success. Tara is a free spirit, faithful to each man in her own way, and so stunning that she dresses in a wig and ill-fitting uniform while she's working so men won't harass her constantly. The low-life whom Johnny is in debt to figures out a way to use Tara to help him execute a daring in-flight robbery. But will Tara stand by helplessly, or is superchick ready for action?

Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Leofwine_draca SUPERCHICK is an odd comedy/exploitation film made by Crown International Pictures in the early 1970s. It's the sort of film that's difficult to define in easy terms but the nearest would be sexploitation given that the director's emphasis very clearly is on naked women. The hard-working but non-acting Joye Jillson, bless her, plays a stewardess who is forced to go around in a disguise because she's so attractive to the male of the species.She also has a different lover in each of the cities she regularly visits, and the film chronicles her misadventures with a few of those guys as she gets involved with petty criminals and is forced to use her kung fu skills in order to bring various bad guys to book. The martial arts scenes are some of the most inept ever staged and a complete embarrassment for anyone watching.The film's most outrageous scenes involve cameos from starlets Uschi Digard and Candy Samples, who are both required to strip for their roles. More blatant random nudity you couldn't imagine. Alongside all this, the viewer is treated to the usual Crown staples of bad acting, bad fashions, cheap film-making, and a general high level of ineptitude souring the whole experience. You have been warned.
trashgang Isn't everybody dreaming about a job on an airplane. In every city your lover and having parties all the time. That's exactly what this picture shows although most stewardesses are as boring as hell. It's a world full with ego's and girls who think that they are IT. But I'm off track so back to this flick. For people thinking that this is some kind of superwoman they are wrong. This has nothing to do with bionic powers or supernatural gifts. By superchick they mean a girl who is only out to make love to men all over the world. So in fact, on board of the airplane she's a nerdy looking stewardess (like in the real world) but once she is the airport she do go to the restroom to change into a vixen. Played by Joyce Jillson, who really looked nice and do go nude with her boobies a lot of times. She just came out of the smasher series Peyton Place (1986) as Jill Smith. She did really well here with her disguise and performance which lead to bigger roles (in TV series) but she stopped acting in 1981 and died in 2004 due kidney failure. But she became notorious too as an astrologer and she even claimed that she advised Reagan campaign aides to select George Bush as Reagan's running mate in 1980. Also in this flick is John Carradine, father of Chris Carradine, David Carradine, Keith Carradine and Robert Carradine. Also notice the quick performance of big boobies by Candy Samples, one of Russ Meyer's favourites.But at the end of the day, it doesn't has a lot to offer except stupid situations with some gangsters and a marine. It's just a no-brainer to have fun at pot parties and a flasher. Nothing more nothing less, not a superflick.Gore 0/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1,5/5
bensonmum2 Superchick is a bad movie lover's dream. The plot is utterly ridiculous. Tara B. True (Joyce Jillson) is, by day, a mild mannered stewardess (they weren't called flight attendants in the 70s) with a secret. Besides the long blond hair she hides under a brunette wig, she's also hiding a man in every city she regularly visits. Tara is a sexually liberated woman looking for a good time. The men she juggles think they are Tara's one true love and each wants to marry her. Tara will have none of that as she enjoys all her men too much to limit herself to one. However, one of her guys is mixed up with some crooks who want to use Tara to help them with their illegal plan.The plot isn't the only bad thing about Superchick. Joyce Jillson has to be one of the worst actresses ever given this much screen time. She's as unnatural with her delivery as you'll find. And the dialogue she does come across with is painfully bad. These are some of the silliest lines I've ever heard. The film is supposed to be a comedy, but I don't remember laughing at anything that was meant to be funny. The jokes are lame and miss their mark on a consistent basis. Superchick is so bad that my rating (3/10) is probably over-generous.Fortunatley though, Superchick is one of those movies that's "so bad its good". Much of the plot is soooo bad that it's actually laugh-out-loud funny. The swinging score, with a theme song very reminiscent of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, is catchy. Some of the action sequences are like a car wreck - impossible not to look at. You'll be amazed watching Tara use martial arts that must have Bruce Lee spinning in his grave. It's a riot. Finally, there's plenty of nudity and sex to keep things spiced up.Overall, it may be a horrible movie, but Superchick is watchable for its ineptness.
Randy H. Farb Tara B. True (Jillson) is the ultimate party-girl; she has enough love to share with the world, so she became a stewardess to romance the world. With a guy in every port, Tara hides her blonde bombshell body disguised as a brunette. This movie is so 1970's, that the fashions have returned. For those fans in the know, poor Louis Quinn probably went blind (see Archie Bunker's Place) by Tara's dazzling beauty. John Carradine has a wonderful cameo.