Super Sucker
Super Sucker
R | 24 February 2002 (USA)
Super Sucker Trailers

Two door to door vaccuum cleaner salesmen hilariously compete against each other.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Scott_Mercer This is more in the vein of the Coen Brothers than the Zucker Brothers really, or at least their comedies. "Quirky" is the watchword here. Bits of the Hudsucker Proxy (other than the similarities in the name) and Raising Arizona, with the jaundiced eye of the outsider looking in on a white-bread culture that died a merciful death. Jeff Daniels stars as Fred Barlow, the psychotically devoted leader of a vacuum cleaner distributorship who's behind the 8-ball to sell more product. He comes upon an insightful innovation that helps him rise to the top once more. Lots of goof ball action by dorky Midwestern white people in the out-of-place, out-of-time milieu of the fictional Johnson City, where two teams of vacuum cleaner salespeople vie to take over the territory. Mock melodramatic speeches, inappropriate stirring music cues, and gang fights between vacuum cleaner salesmen. The characters seem plucked from a 1950's sitcom, even though the setting is supposedly present day. Do they even sell vacuum cleaners door-to-door anymore? Gotta love Jeff Daniels' sharkskin suit. Overall, quite amusing if it's on cable, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find it.Jeff Daniels directed this, and I think he did a swell job, gosh darn it! Sy Suckerton would be proud as punch!Fred Barlow: "Did I ever have sex with your mother? No? Too bad, you would have made a hell of an illegitimate son."
movieman_kev Fred Berlow (Jeff Daniels) grows up loving vaccums crying more for the prospect of losing a vacuum than when his mom dies. When he's a grown man he becomes a Super Sucker (NEVER call it a vacuum) salesman, in competition with a fellow seller and fighting to keep his distribution rights. The owner gives them one more contest to see who gets more sales. The loser will be fired. Of course Fred's Super sucker group of salesman don't do well at all at first against the rival salesman group's flashier tactics, but thanks to a super sucker attachment that thanks to it's size is a hit with women and gay men they might stand a chance. This film is quaint, but cant help but fall apart as time goes on. There's a few (VERY few) laughs scattered here and there, but "Used Cars" is still so much better.My Grade: D+
Paul Kershaw Being a fellow Michigander (with Jeff Daniels), I can see part of where this movie came from. It's a satirical look at Midwestern family values and sexual mores (like Daniels' other, more well-known, and overall better "Pleasantville"). Unlike "Pleasantville," where the attacks on sexual puritanism are subtle enough for some casual viewers to miss, "Super Sucker" is blatant.The premise: A down-and-out vacuum cleaner distributor (Daniels) in a moderate-sized Midwest town (based on and shot in Jackson, Michigan) has been given 30 days to outsell his overbearing and obnoxious competitor. Whoever sells the most systems gets sole rights to distributorship. Daniels seems destined to lose -- the competition has much more advertising money, and is willing to throw any rules of fairness out the window -- until he discovers a special use for a long-discontinued attachment. He puts the attachment into rapid production, and offers it as a "special bonus" that only his distributorship has available. His fate changes radically, buildi ng up to a raucous farce of a climax.The buildup is, in my opinion, slow, and bits are ham-fistedly predictable; the "cat" scene belonged in a Farrelly Brothers movie (and that's not a compliment), but it was thankfully brief. But once it gets going (around the midpoint), and writer/director Daniels decides that whatever real world logic he had been attempting to follow should be thrown out the window in favor of over-the-top absurdity, it has some truly comedic scenes. In a time when Michigan's sexual more pendulum appears to be swinging back to the left, the film is a nice push in the right direction. And, sociosexual politics aside, it's a darn fine piece of unpretentious independent comedy -- something we can never have enough of.TV buffs will likely enjoy a cameo from Gilligan Island's Dawn Wells, making fun of her own stereotyping as Mary Ann.Purple Rose fans will note that, except for bits of body-humor comedy and Daniels' affably hapless good guy (a persona he started with "Something Wild"), this is a much different film than Escanaba in Da Moonlight (also a good movie, although I enjoyed the play more). Like "Pleasantville," it has more national appeal ("Escanaba" was rife with Michigan in-jokes), and despite some of its stageplay-like shots, it's obviously based on a screenplay, with many more scenes and a much larger cast. I hope Purple Rose works out its own kinks in distributorship (leaving me wondering if Daniels' frustration here didn't contribute to "Super Sucker"'s premise), because these films deserve a larger audience than they seem to be getting.
dm317 This film was good, the acting was wonderful , Jeff Daniels did a Great job as the Super Sucker Salesman- anyone who has ever sold vacuums and love vacuums this is a wonderful movie, they will find this a treasure. For everyone else, it's an off beat funny movie that you'll enjoy. Although it probably won't go well in the theaters due to the advertising of this movie, it is worth seeing. The supporting Cast is Great, Matt Letscher (Howard) was Hilarious, he was a wonderful addition to the film, a stand out performance.. If you have a chance -go see this movie, on the whole you will enjoy it, some parts are a bit off center and have you thinking "What??" , but the comedy is great!