Ninja Terminator
Ninja Terminator
NR | 01 January 1985 (USA)
Ninja Terminator Trailers

Three martial-arts students search for the Golden Ninja Warrior, a statue reputed to have magic powers.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Leofwine_draca NINJA TERMINATOR is one of the best known of the Godfrey Ho ninja cut 'n' paste films that proliferated during the 1980s, and for good reason: it's one of the most entertaining of his "efforts", coming only behind SCORPION THUNDERBOLT in terms of on-screen insanity and outrageous cheesiness. Once again, Richard Harrison is embroiled in this mess that takes the usual template of using an old Chinese film, redubbing it and adding in lots of unrelated sequences involving ninjas. The thing that lifts this movie above similar fare is that the original film it rips off is actually decent – at least, the scenes they take from it are pretty good. It's an action-packed offering with Jack Lam playing 'Jaguar Wong' who has a vendetta against crime boss Hwang Jang Lee, wearing a silly blond wig for some reason. Basically, Lam kicks and thumps his way through dozens of bad guys, who sometimes attack him for no better reason than they don't want to tell him where the local restaurant is! The fights are fluid if low budget, and packed with butt-kicking and people being tossed through car windows and the like. Lam's swaggering demeanour seems based on the type of character Bruce Lee used to play, although taken to the extreme. Hwang Jang Lee does some good work in the climatic fight, and in all it's a pretty entertaining little flick. Then we have the newly-filmed ninja stuff, and it's a hoot. Richard Harrison plays Harry, a renegade ninja who lives in his apartment and enjoys his girlfriend cooking him steamed crabs in a well-remembered sequence that's one of the funniest in the movie. Harrison finds himself up against sinister toy robots as well as myriad ninja enemies, who often phone him on his Garfield telephone and write messages on his car windscreen reminding him he has just days left to return the golden ninja warrior he stole (the statuette itself is the subject of another of these collaborations).Eventually he finds himself up against dastardly ninja Phillip Ko in a cheesy fight to the death. All the ninja staples are here, from throwing stars and knives to disappearing tricks and clouds of gas and explosives. The fights are incredibly cheesy but I found them, like the film itself, surprisingly entertaining. Ho might be one of the world's worst directors but he often makes the unintentionally funniest movies and this is another classic for those with the right B-movie sensibilities. Drunken crabs, anyone?
goose_chase Honestly, I can appreciate movies that are bad but still funny to watch, but this movie is honestly so bad that no amount of weed can make it fun. Every single aspect of this film is terrible. The story is hard to understand at all. The picture quality is again terrible. There are characters that are played by actors who look identical to each other, adding to the confusion even more. Seriously, I'm trying to do people a favour here by advising to avoid this utter rubbish. I bought it at cash converters for about one pound and I felt ripped off. It really is terrible. The only one thing I can think of about this film is that anyone with an interest in making music may wish to sample some of the lines, but Hextatic may have beaten you to that already.
BA_Harrison An unbelievably daft effort from Godfrey Ho, the king of crap ninja movies, Ninja Terminator sees Ho's regular star Richard Harrison once again donning his natty camouflage suit to fight a variety of similarly garbed bad guys, all the while performing totally unnecessary cartwheels and back-flips.This time, Harrison plays Harry, one of a trio of good ninjas who steal a precious, magical golden statue from their evil boss. When one of the trio is killed and part of the statue is taken back, Harry enlists the help of his friend Jaguar Wong (who is a cool-as-ice, high-kicking bad-ass) to protect his dead friend's sister and try and retrieve the missing piece.Despite the story making little or no sense for most of the running time (which is what you get when you splice together footage from two different films, as is apparently the case here), Ninja Terminator is still well worth watching thanks to countless completely insane moments guaranteed to make you howl with laughter: watch in awe as Harry proves that no melon is a match for his ninja sword skills; be puzzled as a breakfast of live crabs suddenly turns nasty; wonder why the hell Hwang Jang Lee is wearing a bad blonde wig for most of the film; giggle uncontrollably as a toy robot menacingly delivers video tapes; and then check ebay to see if you too can get a cool Garfield phone like the one Harry uses.Amongst all this unexplainable, but very entertaining silliness, there are also plenty of pretty good martial arts fights (Jack Lam, as Jaguar Wong, is excellent and displays loads of decent moves before his inevitable battle against super-kicker Lee). Throw in a couple of gratuitous sex scenes, and some awful dialogue, and what you have is one hell of a fun film.
ithearod POSSIBLE SPOILERS - (Although a movie like this could really never be "spoiled", it's so rotten to begin with!) Never in my life have I seen a fight scene with the premise being, "Fighting for information about directions to the restaurant". Keep a lookout for this scene. It begins and ends with nothing more than, "Pardon me, but where is this restaurant?", follows with serious ass-whipping, and proceeds to "So, are you gonna tell me where the restaurant is now?!", whereupon, the man points, and the camera swings, to illustrate the restaurant, a dozen or so yards away. Priceless.There are countless gems in this "It's one movie, it's not two movies!" genre-film. (there's gotta be a name for the spliced B-movie genre, right?) I won't list them all. Suffice it to say that Jaguar Wong's part of the movie gets my vote for superior part of the film. Jaguar truly is one of the coolest men to ever have walked the earth. Notice how he *never* closes his lips, ever!! Chews his gum with his mouth open *always*! He is the coolest, and his kung fu rocks, a nice hard-kicking, joint-locking, modern hapkido style, powerful! See this if you have a chance. And watch out for those wild crabs!