Suddenly Naked
Suddenly Naked
| 08 September 2001 (USA)
Suddenly Naked Trailers

A famous 'Jackie Collins' type novelist falls for a quirky twenty year old kid.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
iaminevitability I thought Suddenly Naked was a clever and intelligent piece of film-making. My only real negative was the lead's character development near the end. Things happened too suddenly. I understand and appreciate "moments of realization" but this felt too easy.Other than this one negative I did appreciate how much was accomplished on a moderate budget. It's a shame how few people are exposed to such works. This film, unlike most, allows the audience to actually think. You consider social barriers and self image. I found myself wondering on the weight I give to opinion of others.Locations were excellent as was casting. It is difficult to compare this to other films such as Harold and Maude as it is not such a romp. I do think, however, that those who appreciated Harold and Maude may enjoy this film.I will watch Suddenly Naked a second time. That is the best evidence of how I feel about this film.
itisright It is odd how I got to this movie. I was buying some used movies at the video store. I got this one just because it was cheaper to buy 3 and did not at all expect to particularly enjoy it. By the title and box I expected it to be something almost porno. I LOVED it. It was one of those great surprises like going into a divey looking cafe and finding outstanding food and service. Wendy Crewson rocks. (Almost as good as her toy scene in Better Than Chocolate :-)) This character was just so charming, vulnerable, world weary and cynical at the same time. I adored her. Felt like I knew her from the first couple of paragraphs so to speak. Great job by actors and director. Kudos and I hope I find many more like it. When you expect a movie to be mediocre it usually is. Not this one.
Sam Blechman I only saw this movie because it has my favorite actor, Michael Shanks, in it. I was surprised to find that the film itself was really superb. the story kept my attention, and the characters were well developed and carried through. coupled with a great script and great acting, the movie came along great. I suggest seeing it if you yes, it is a tad cheesy, but i don't think you'll really mind all that much.This movie made me love Michael Shanks even more, and I added a few new actors and actresses to my list of favorite actors.It's hard to find in America, but feel free to try. it's worth it.
if-not-now-when I went into this film on a blind date, not knowing a thing about it -- at first, judging from the title, I thought my somewhat dim-witted date was trying to send me a not-too-subtle message. Anyway, I forgot all about my second-rate date once the movie got going -- the film was great! Often hilarious, and often touching, in just the right places. I was charmed, and want to check out more films by this director (but haven't had a chance yet). Oh yeah, the acting was good, too. Warmly recommended.